Error Code | Error Text | Description |
A21 | MISSING DATA RECORD FOUND IN GROUPING | Input file is not in the correct format or sequence. Please reference Importer Accounts Transaction Input Structure Map. |
PDM | <Data Element> PATTERN UNKNOWN | Data elements like the Zip Code are required to be in a specific format for Canada and US. Contact name must also be in a specific format. |
MVM | <Data Element> MISSING | Depending on the makeup of the TP submission, certain data elements are mandatory. For example, if you provide the TK record without a tax number, you will see this error. |
R02 | NAME CANNOT BE BLANK | Importer Name cannot be blank. |
R03 | INVALID IMPORTER NUMBER FORMAT | Importer Number must be in the correct format. Please refer to Record Identifier T1, Note 1. |
R06 | INVALID ACTION CODE | Update Action Code is not recognized. Please use A, U, or N. |
R11 | INVALID IMPORTER TYPE | Importer Type is not recognized. Please use a valid type. |
R13 | INVALID NAME QUALIFIER | Name Qualifier is not recognized. Please use a valid type. |
R14 | LOWER CASE MAIL ADDR ALPHABETIC INVALID | Line One or Two of the Mailing Address must be in capital letters. |
R15 | MAIL ADDR LINE 1 MISSING | Line One of the Mailing Address is a mandatory data element. |
R19 | MAIL CITY REQUIRED | City, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element. |
R20 | MAIL STATE REQUIRED | State, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element. |
R27 | MAIL COUNTRY ISO CODE REQUIRED | ISO Country Code, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element. |
R31 | LOWER CASE PHYS ADDR ALPHABETIC INVALID | If provided, Line One or Two of the Physical Address must be in capital letters. |
If provided, Physical Address Type cannot be PO Box. |
R37 | PHYS CITY REQUIRED | If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, City, Physical Address is a mandatory data element. |
R38 | PHYS STATE REQUIRED | If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, State, Physical Address is a mandatory data element. |
R45 | PHYS COUNTRY ISO CODE REQUIRED | If mailing address type is PO Box or Other, ISO Country Code, Physical Address is a mandatory data element. |
R51 | UPDATE ACTION CODE CANNOT BE BLANK | Update Action Code Name cannot be blank. |
R04 | IMPORTER NUMBER IS VOIDED | If Importer Account is in a VOID status, then updates cannot be made. Please contact CBP for more information. |
R05 | IMPORTER NUMBER ALREADY ON FILE | Importer Number has already been used. Please use a different importer number. |
R07 | INVALID IMPORTER NUMBER | When Update Action Code is U and the Importer Number does not exist, this will be triggered. |
R08 | NEW NBR NOT ASSIGNED, IMP ON FILE | If requesting a CBP-Assigned Number and the Address information has already been used by another importer. Please use a different address. |
R09 | IMP NBR NOT ALLWD IF REQ CBP ASGN NBR | Do not provide importer number if requesting a CBP-Assigned number. |
R10 | IMP TYPE REQUIRED FOR US ADDRESS | Importer Type is required if address is U.S. |
R12 | IMP TYPES 'G' 'L' REQUIRE US ADDR | Importer Type cannot be L or G if address is a foreign address. |
Address is not recognized. Please verify address. If additional support is needed, please contact CBP Help Desk. |
R22 | INVALID MAIL STATE CODE | State, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code. |
R23 | MAIL ZIP CODE REQUIRED | Postal Code, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element. |
R24 | INVALID CANADIAN MAIL PROVINCE CODE | If the Country Code, Mailing Address is CA, State, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code. |
R25 | INVALID CANADIAN MAIL ZIP FORMAT | If the Country Code, Mailing Address is CA, Postal Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code. |
R26 | INVALID MAIL ZIP CODE | Postal Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code. |
R28 | INVALID MAIL 'ISO' COUNTRY CODE | ISO Country Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the ISO country code. |
R32 | PHYS ADDR MISSING | If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, Line One of the Physical Address is a mandatory data element. |
provided, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify address. If additional support is needed, please contact CBP Help Desk. |
R40 | INVALID PHYS STATE CODE | If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, State Code, Physical Address must be valid for US, or MX. |
R41 | PHYS ZIP CODE REQUIRED | If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, Zip Code, Physical Address is a mandatory data element. |
R42 | INVALID CANADIAN PHYS PROVINCE CODE | If provided, If the Country Code, Physical Address is CA, State, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code. |
R43 | INVALID CANADIAN PHYS ZIP FORMAT | If provided, If the Country Code, Physical Address is CA, Postal Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code. |
R44 | INVALID PHYS ZIP CODE | If provided, Postal Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code. |
R46 | INVALID PHYS 'ISO' COUNTRY CODE | If provided, ISO Country Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the ISO country code. |
R52 | CONTACT NATL FIN CTR,IMP # FROZEN | Importer Account cannot be updated via EDI if the account is in a frozen status. Please contact CBP for additional details. |
R53 | RELATED BUSINESS NAME MISMATCH | The name of the related business should match the name contained with CBP's system. |
R56 | CONTACT SSN ALREADY ON FILE | The contact's SSN has already been used by another entity. Please verify the SSN. |
R57 | ADDL PASSPORT INFO REQUIRED | If the passport # is provided, additional information related to the passport like the expiration date, country of issuance, and passport type are required. |
R58 | CONTACT SSN REQUIRED | If requesting a CBP assigned number and the CBP-assigned number request reason indicator is checked, then the contact's SSN is required. |
R59 | PHYSICAL ADDRESS TYPE REQUIRED | If providing a physical address, physical address type is required. |
R60 | PHYSICAL ADDRESS EXPLANATION REQUIRED | If physical address type is other, physical address explanation is required. |
R61 | MAILING ADDRESS EXPLANATION REQUIRED | If mailing address type is other, mailing address explanation is required. |
R62 | COMPANY EMAIL CANNOT HAVE 2 @ SIGNS | Company Email address can only have 1 @ sign. |
R63 | CONTACT EMAIL CANNOT HAVE 2 @ SIGNS | Contact Email address can only have 1 @ sign. |
R64 | INVALID RELATED BUSINESS IR # | Related Business' IR # does not exist. Please verify the IR #. |
R65 | CBP ASSIGNED # REASON IND MISSING | If requesting a CBP Assigned number, then one of the reason codes must be provided. |
R66 | IMPORTER ACCOUNT IS INACTIVE | Importer Account is in a INACTIVE status. Please submit action code 'A' to re-activate. |
R67 | CBP ASSIGNED # REASON NOT ALLOWED | Only provide reason codes if requesting a CBP assigned number. |
R68 | CONTACT ADDRESS INVALID | Contact Address is not recognized. Please
verify address. |
R73 | PERSON ADDRESS INVALID | Person Address is not recognized. Please
verify address. |
R78 | EXCEEDS MAX PO BOX LENGTH | If Mailing address is a PO box, Line 1 of the Mailing address cannot exceed 10 characters. |
R79 | #{ERROR MESSAGE} | Follow instructions provided by error message. |
R80 | PO BOX MAILING ADDR TYPE MISMATCH | The Mailing address is a not a PO box but the Mailng Address Type indicates otherwise. Select a different Mailing Address Type. |
R81 | OTHER MAILING ADDR TYPE MISMATCH | The Mailing address is a PO box but the Mailng Address Type indicates otherwise. Select PO Box as the Mailing Address Type. |
R82 | OTHER PHYSICAL ADDR TYPE MISMATCH | There is no PO box for a physcial address. Remove PO Box from Line 1 of the Physical Address. |
R83 | INVALID FILER CODE | Filer Code must exist in ACE and be valid within the timeframe. |
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