Error Code Error Text Description
A21 MISSING DATA RECORD FOUND IN GROUPING Input file is not in the correct format or sequence. Please reference Importer Accounts Transaction Input Structure Map.
PDM <Data Element> PATTERN UNKNOWN Data elements like the Zip Code are required to be in a specific format for Canada and US. Contact name must also be in a specific format.
MVM <Data Element> MISSING Depending on the makeup of the TP submission, certain data elements are mandatory. For example, if you provide the TK record without a tax number, you will see this error.
R02 NAME CANNOT BE BLANK Importer Name cannot be blank.
R03 INVALID IMPORTER NUMBER FORMAT Importer Number must be in the correct format. Please refer to Record Identifier T1, Note 1.
R06 INVALID ACTION CODE  Update Action Code is not recognized. Please use A, U, or N.
R11 INVALID IMPORTER TYPE Importer Type is not recognized. Please use a valid type.
R13 INVALID NAME QUALIFIER  Name Qualifier is not recognized. Please use a valid type.
R14 LOWER CASE MAIL ADDR ALPHABETIC INVALID  Line One or Two of the Mailing Address must be in capital letters.
R15 MAIL ADDR LINE 1 MISSING Line One of the Mailing Address is a mandatory data element.
R19 MAIL CITY REQUIRED City, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element.
R20 MAIL STATE REQUIRED State, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element.
R27 MAIL COUNTRY ISO CODE REQUIRED ISO Country Code, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element.
R31 LOWER CASE PHYS ADDR ALPHABETIC INVALID  If provided, Line One or Two of the Physical Address must be in capital letters.
If provided, Physical Address Type cannot be PO Box.
R37 PHYS CITY REQUIRED If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, City, Physical Address is a mandatory data element.
R38 PHYS STATE REQUIRED If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, State, Physical Address is a mandatory data element.
R45 PHYS COUNTRY ISO CODE REQUIRED If mailing address type is PO Box or Other, ISO Country Code, Physical Address is a mandatory data element.
R51 UPDATE ACTION CODE CANNOT BE BLANK Update Action Code Name cannot be blank.
R04 IMPORTER NUMBER IS VOIDED If Importer Account is in a VOID status, then updates cannot be made. Please contact CBP for more information.
R05 IMPORTER NUMBER ALREADY ON FILE Importer Number has already been used. Please use a different importer number.
R07 INVALID IMPORTER NUMBER When Update Action Code is U and the Importer Number does not exist, this will be triggered.
R08 NEW NBR NOT ASSIGNED, IMP ON FILE If requesting a CBP-Assigned Number and the Address information has already been used by another importer. Please use a different address.
R09 IMP NBR NOT ALLWD IF REQ CBP ASGN NBR Do not provide importer number if requesting a CBP-Assigned number.
R10 IMP TYPE REQUIRED FOR US ADDRESS Importer Type is required if address is U.S.
R12 IMP TYPES 'G' 'L' REQUIRE US ADDR Importer Type cannot be L or G if address is a foreign address.
R16 IMPORTER MAIL ADDRESS INVALID Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify address.
If additional support is needed, please contact CBP Help Desk.
R22 INVALID MAIL STATE CODE State, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code.
R23 MAIL ZIP CODE REQUIRED Postal Code, Mailing Address is a mandatory data element.
R24 INVALID CANADIAN MAIL PROVINCE CODE  If the Country Code, Mailing Address is CA, State, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code.
R25 INVALID CANADIAN MAIL ZIP FORMAT  If the Country Code, Mailing Address is CA, Postal Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code.
R26 INVALID MAIL ZIP CODE Postal Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code.
R28 INVALID MAIL 'ISO' COUNTRY CODE ISO Country Code, Mailing Address is not recognized. Please verify the ISO country code.
R32 PHYS ADDR MISSING If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, Line One of the Physical Address is a mandatory data element.
R33 IMPORTER PHYS ADDRESS INVALID If provided, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify address.
If additional support is needed, please contact CBP Help Desk.
R40 INVALID PHYS STATE CODE  If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, State Code, Physical Address must be valid for US, or MX.
R41 PHYS ZIP CODE REQUIRED  If mailing address type is Business Service Center or PO Box or Other, Zip Code, Physical Address is a mandatory data element.
R42 INVALID CANADIAN PHYS PROVINCE CODE  If provided, If the Country Code, Physical Address is CA, State, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the state code.
R43 INVALID CANADIAN PHYS ZIP FORMAT If provided, If the Country Code, Physical Address is CA, Postal Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code.
R44 INVALID PHYS ZIP CODE If provided, Postal Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the zip code.
R46 INVALID PHYS 'ISO' COUNTRY CODE If provided, ISO Country Code, Physical Address is not recognized. Please verify the ISO country code.
R52 CONTACT NATL FIN CTR,IMP # FROZEN Importer Account cannot be updated via EDI if the account is in a frozen status. Please contact CBP for additional details.
R53 RELATED BUSINESS NAME MISMATCH The name of the related business should match the name contained with CBP's system.
R56 CONTACT SSN ALREADY ON FILE The contact's SSN has already been used by another entity. Please verify the SSN.
R57 ADDL PASSPORT INFO REQUIRED If the passport # is provided, additional information related to the passport like the expiration date, country of issuance, and passport type are required.
R58 CONTACT SSN REQUIRED If requesting a CBP assigned number and the CBP-assigned number request reason indicator is checked, then the contact's SSN is required.
R59 PHYSICAL ADDRESS TYPE REQUIRED If providing a physical address, physical address type is required.
R60 PHYSICAL ADDRESS EXPLANATION REQUIRED If physical address type is other, physical address explanation is required.
R61 MAILING ADDRESS EXPLANATION REQUIRED If mailing address type is other, mailing address explanation is required.
R62 COMPANY EMAIL CANNOT HAVE 2 @ SIGNS Company Email address can only have 1 @ sign.
R63 CONTACT EMAIL CANNOT HAVE 2 @ SIGNS Contact Email address can only have 1 @ sign.
R64 INVALID RELATED BUSINESS IR # Related Business' IR # does not exist. Please verify the IR #.
R65 CBP ASSIGNED # REASON IND MISSING If requesting a CBP Assigned number, then one of the reason codes must be provided.
R66 IMPORTER ACCOUNT IS INACTIVE Importer Account is in a INACTIVE status. Please submit action code 'A' to re-activate.
R67 CBP ASSIGNED # REASON NOT ALLOWED Only provide reason codes if requesting a CBP assigned number.
R68 CONTACT ADDRESS INVALID Contact Address is not recognized. Please verify address.

R73 PERSON ADDRESS INVALID Person Address is not recognized. Please verify address.

R78 EXCEEDS MAX PO BOX LENGTH If Mailing address is a PO box, Line 1 of the Mailing address cannot exceed 10 characters.
R79 #{ERROR MESSAGE} Follow instructions provided by error message.
R80 PO BOX MAILING ADDR TYPE MISMATCH The Mailing address is a not a PO box but the Mailng Address Type indicates otherwise. Select a different Mailing Address Type.
R81 OTHER MAILING ADDR TYPE MISMATCH The Mailing address is a PO box but the Mailng Address Type indicates otherwise. Select PO Box as the Mailing Address Type.
R82 OTHER PHYSICAL ADDR TYPE MISMATCH There is no PO box for a physcial address. Remove PO Box from Line 1 of the Physical Address.
R83 INVALID FILER CODE Filer Code must exist in ACE and be valid within the timeframe.

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