Condition Code Narrative Text Explanation Date Updated
838 EXLCSN HTS REQ FOR 201 EXCLSN     The Importer's Additional Declaration type of '09' (201 Bi-Facial Solar Exclusion) must be accompanied with the exclusion 9903.45.29 HTS number. 6/26/2024
837 201 EXLCSN CERT UNKNOWN 201 Bifacial Certification Designation text string on the submitted 201 Bi-Facial Solar Exclusion (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '09') must be "201BIFAC CERT". 6/26/2024
836 EXCLSN MISSING; REQUIRED FOR EXCLSN HTS A Section 232 steel or aluminum TRQ exclusion ch99 has been used. However, the required Product Exclusion (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '02' or '03') is missing. Use of the TRQ exclusion ch99 HTS in an ES line requires pairing with an applicable Product Exclusion.


A Section 201 exclusion 9903.45.29 has been used. However, the required 201 Bi-Facial Solar Exclusion (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '09') is missing.
817 AD-CVD CERT DESIGNATION UNKNOWN The AD/CVD Certification Designation text string on the submitted AD/CVD Certification Designation (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '06') must be "ADCVD CERT". 2/5/2024
323 LV, REGULAR LICENSE TYPE CONFLICT On a single entry summary that has multiple aluminum article (or steel article) lines, only the low-value ('LV' type) license numbers or the regular license numbers can be reported; they cannot be co-mingled on a single entry summary. If co-mingled, this condition will result. 10/12/2023
624 EST DUTY/CALC’D DUTY MISMATCH - LINE If a "Duty Free" Trade Agreement/Special Program Claim Code is reported in the 40-record, positions 25-26 for this line and accepted, no duty must be reported in the 50-record for this line. Review Usage Note j) in the Summary CATAIR for additional clarification.

The duty calculated for the entry summary line item does not match the estimated duty as reported on the line. Each line on the entry summary should reflect the exact duty amount due based on the duty rate applicable to the tariff number. However, CBP systems allow a difference per entry summary line of up to $2.99 between the calculated duty and the amount reported by the filer.
824 IMPORT DATE MISSING - REQD FOR CBMA If the Date of Importation (AE 11 record, pos 48-53) is not present and the filer has made a CBMA claim on any line, this error will result. Date of Importation is required if the filer is making a CBMA claim on an article of alcohol. 10/12/2023
825 IMPORT DATE MISSING - REQD FOR CBMA This is an informational message; not fatal. If the Date of Importation is not present and the filer has made a CBMA claim on any line, this error will result. Date of Importation is required if the filer is making a CBMA claim on an article of alcohol. 10/12/2023
Q13 QUOTA REQUESTED EXCEEDS RESERVE An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If a refiled entry summary line reports a quantity that exceeds the Reserved Quota Quantity apportioned or prorated by CBP for the line, as reflected on the latest ACE Entry Summary Status Notification (UC), this error will result. 10/12/2023
338 IMMED DELVRY – CNSL RLSE CONFLICT A standalone Entry Summary, where the Consolidated Summary Indicator = 'Y', has been filed, yet only some (not all) of the Entries listed in the Consolidated Release Grouping - Release Detail (32-Record) have requested the Immediate Delivery (ID) procedure. I.e., there is a comingling of Entries that have requested the ID procedure and Entries that have not requested the ID procedure. For a consolidated Entry Summary to be accepted under the ID procedure, all the listed Entries must have requested the ID procedure. (As a possible resolution, two separate Consolidated summarys could be submitted - one with with all Entries requesting ID, the other with all Entires not requesting ID.) 6/21/2023
339 CARGO RLSE CERT NOT ALLOWED-IMMED DELVRY The Immediate Delivery (ID) procedure was requested on the corresponding Entry (via a step-one SE transaction), yet the follow up step-two summary is requesting a "Certify for ACE Cargo Release" action (Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator = A). A "Certify for ACE Cargo Release" action is not compatible with the ID procedure. The ID procedure must be activated with a strict two-step Entry/Entry Summary filing order: Entry SE transaction filing/acceptance first followed by the Entry Summary AE transaction filing/acceptance. 6/21/2023
340 IMMED DELVRY NOT ALLOWED-ENTRY TYPE The Immediate Delivery (ID) procedure was requested on the corresponding Entry (via a step-one SE transaction), yet the follow up step-two summary's Entry Type Code is not allowed to use the ID procedure. Warehouse Entry types 21 and 22 are not eligible for ID. This condition is likely the result of a mismatch between the type code declared on the Entry and the type code declared on the Entry Summary. 6/21/2023
B22 Entry Summary To Entry Port Mismatch The entry number is already on file in the CBP database with a different port of entry (POE) code. Error occurs when filer makes entry at one POE and attempts to update to new port code via the ACE Cargo Release (SE) Update action without deleting the Summary (AE) data first. If SE Replace/Update is not an option to resolve, the filer may need to make new entry at correct POE and cancel the duplicate entry at the original POE. 6/20/2023
124 EST ENTRY DATE MISSING If the Estimated Entry Date (11-Record, position 42-47) is not present and it is required, this error will result. The Estimated Entry Date is required for Warehouse Withdrawal entry types 31-38. The date is used to compare to the Warehouse entry’s Date of Importation to enforce the 5-Year rule. 4/12/2023
826 ALUM PRIM SMELT CNTRY APPL CD UNKNOWN The Primary Country of Smelt Applicability Code on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is neither "N/A" nor blank/space. 3/6/2023
827 ALUM PRIM SMELT CNTRY CD MISSING A Primary Country of Smelt Code (or Primary Country of Smelt Applicability Code) on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is required. 3/6/2023
828 ALUM PRIM SMELT CNTRY APPL CD CONFLICT Both Primary Country of Smelt Applicability Code and Primary Country of Smelt Code found present on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07'); one or the other is required. 3/6/2023
829 ALUM PRIM SMELT CNTRY CD UNKNOWN CNTRY The Primary Country of Smelt Code on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is not a known ISO country code. 3/6/2023
830 ALUM SEC SMELT CNTRY APPL CD UNKNOWN The Secondary Country of Smelt Applicability Code on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is neither "N/A" nor blank/space. 3/6/2023
831 ALUM SEC SMELT CNTRY CD MISSING A Secondary Country of Smelt Code (or Secondary Country of Smelt Applicability Code) on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is required. 3/6/2023
832 ALUM SEC SMELT CNTRY APPL CD CONFLICT Both Secondary Country of Smelt Applicability Code and Secondary Country of Smelt Code found present on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07'); one or the other is required. 3/6/2023
833 ALUM SEC SMELT CNTRY CD UNKNOWN CNTRY The Secondary Country of Smelt Code on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is not a known ISO country code. 3/6/2023
834 ALUM CAST CNTRY CD MISSING A Country of Cast Code is not found on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07'). 3/6/2023
835 ALUM CAST CNTRY CD UNKNOWN CNTRY A Country of Cast Code on the submitted Aluminum Smelt and Cast Country Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '07') is not a known ISO country code. 3/6/2023
B71 PSC NOT ALLOWED - ADDITIONAL DUTY FOUND A PSC cannot be filed because CPB has introduced a non-standard duty amount to the ES (e.g., a 'marking duty'). 3/6/2023
823 PRDCR ID UNKN; TTB CBMA CLAIM MAY FAIL This is an informational message; not fatal. For shipments entered on or after 1/1/2023, the Foreign Producer Identifier submitted on the CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05') does not match an identifier issued by TTB. The ES line will be accepted, however, this may affect the refund requested from TTB. 10/6/2022
L01 LIC/CERT/PERM NBR UNKNOWN The license/certificate/permit number presented on the ES line does not match a number established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L02 VISA NBR UNKNOWN The visa number presented on the ES line does not match a number established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L03 NON-STANDARD VISA NBR UNKNOWN The visa number (non-standard) presented on the ES line does not match a number established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L04 LIC/CERT/PERM IMPORTER ID MISMATCH The IOR number presented on the ES does not match the IOR number on the license/certificate/permit established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L05 VISA IMPORTER ID MISMATCH The IOR number presented on the ES does not match the IOR number on the visa established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L06 LIC/CERT/PERM COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MISMATCH The C/O code presented on the ES line does not match the C/O code on the license/certificate/permit established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L07 VISA COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MISMATCH The C/O code presented on the ES line does not match the C/O code on the visa established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L08 LIC/CERT/PERM CANCELLED The license/certificate/permit presented on the ES line has been cancelled in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L09 VISA CANCELLED The visa presented on the ES line has been cancelled in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L10 NON-STANDARD VISA CANCELLED The visa (non-standard) presented on the ES line has been cancelled in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L11 LIC/CERT/PERM NOT YET EFF OR EXP The license/certificate/permit presented on the ES line is not yet effective or has expired in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L12 VISA NOT YET EFF OR EXP The visa presented on the ES line is not yet effective or has expired in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L13 LIC/CERT/PERM HTS/UOM MISMATCH The HTS number/Unit of Measure combination presented on the ES line does not match the HTS number/Unit of Measure combination on the license/certificate/permit established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L14 VISA HTS/UOM MISMATCH The HTS number/Unit of Measure combination presented on the ES line does not match the HTS number/Unit of Measure combination on the visa established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L15 QUANTITY EXCEEDS LIC/CERT/PERM LIMIT While there is an available balance on the license/certificate/permit established in the eCert system, the quantity presented on the ES line exceeds it. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L16 QUANTITY EXCEEDS VISA LIMIT While there is an available balance on the visa established in the eCert system, the quantity presented on the ES line exceeds it. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L17 LIC/CERT/PERM LIMIT PREVIOUSLY REACHED There is no available balance on the license/certificate/permit established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
L18 VISA LIMIT PREVIOUSLY REACHED There is no available balance on the visa established in the eCert system. Depending on the direction of the participating country, the severity of the condition may be FATAL or INFORMATIONAL. 6/28/2022
414 Canadian Prov Req'd As Origin for Type Canadian Province Req’d As Origin in 40 record position 9-10 for all Entry types other than 06, 11, 31, 32 and 34 where country of export is also Canada 5/9/2022
B11 <eliminated> 5/9/2022
822 ASTERISK("*") NOT ALLOWED IN LINE ITM ID In a trade filing, an asterisk ("*") is not allowed in the any position of the Line Item Identifier. 1/3/2022
B77 ACTION NOT ALLOWED-ENTRY TYPE CONFLICT The Entry Number provided is not the type of entry that can be modified with this transactions. For example: a Reconciliation Entry (Type 09) cannot be modified by the AE transaction. 1/3/2022
B78 DISTRICT/PORT OF ENTRY INACTIVE The Port code specified in the EDI B-Record (Block) must be an active port. 1/3/2022
337 PMS NOT ALLOWED-IOR ON SANCTION Period monthly statements are not allowed if an Importer has been sanctioned. Only daily statements and single pay are allowed. 10/21/2021
820 SUGAR CERT ISSUE YEAR TYPE NOT ALLOWED The first character of the sugar license (C = calendar year, F = fiscal year) is the incorrect year 'type' for this particular sugar article.

Note that this condition can occur if an HTS pairing is incorrect (e.g., an incorrect sugar HTS paired with the Colombia Trade Agreement HTS 9822.08.01). If applicable, please classify sugar entries as detailed in U.S. note 32 (c)(ii). See CSMS #49307446 - Colombia Trade Agreement Sugar Tariffs for details.
821 SUGAR CERT ISSUE YEAR MISMATCH The second digit of the sugar license (i.e., the issuance year) does not match the pertinent date of the Entry Summary line item (i.e., the date used for purposes of classification; the Line Action Date). The referenced license is only allowed to be used in the year (calendar or fiscal) that it was issued. 8/10/2021
818 LIC/CERT/PERM NOT ALLOWED-ENTRY TYPE The submission of the license in the ES line is not allowed because of the entry type. Specifically, for Aluminum (as well as Steel) articles, a license is not allowed to be reported on the entry summary line if Entry Types 06 (FTZ withdrawal), 21 (Warehouse) or 22 (Re-warehouse). 8/3/2021
136 FTZ Identifier Not Allowed for Ent Type If the entry type is not 06, this field must be blank. If any data is included in pos 63-71 of the 11 record, this error will result when the entry type is other than 06. 5/27/2021
288 FTZ Identifier Missing If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and the foreign trade zone identifier (11 record, pos 63-71) is space/blank, this error will result. 5/27/2021
289 FTZ Identifier Unknown If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and the foreign trade zone identifier (11 record, pos 63-71) is formatted incorrectly, this error will result. See 11 record 'Note 3' for formatting details. 5/27/2021
322 MNFST CMPNT ID CANNOT CONTAIN SPEC CHAR The Manifest Component Identifier cannot contain special characters; allowed values are A-Z, 0-9, and space/blank. 5/27/2021
798 CBMA CLAIM REQUIRES CBMA DETAIL A Product Claim Code of 'C' (Craft Beverage Modernization Act Refund Claim) requires an Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05' (CBMA Product Detail). 1/4/2021
799 CBMA DETAIL REQUIRES CBMA CLAIM An Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05' (CBMA Product Detail) requires the Product Claim Code to be 'C' (Craft Beverage Modernization Act Refund Claim). 1/4/2021
800 CBMA CONTROLING GRP NAME MISSING The Controlled Group Name is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
801 CBMA PRODUCER NBR MISSING The Foreign Producer Identifier is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
802 CBMA PRODUCER NAME MISSING The Foreign Producer Name is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
803 CBMA ALLOC QTY MISSING The Allocation Quantity is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
804 CBMA ALLOC QTY CONTAINS NON-NUMERICS The Allocation Quantity must be numeric on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
805 CBMA RATE DSGNTN CD MISSING The CBMA Rate Designation Code is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
806 CBMA TTB TAX RATE MISSING The TTB Tax Rate is missing on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
807 CBMA TTB TAX RATE CONTAINS NON-NUMERICS The TTB Tax Rate must be numeric on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05'). 1/4/2021
808 CBMA RATE DSGNTN NOT FND The CBMA Rate Designation Code submitted on the CBMA Product Detail is not found as a known code. 1/4/2021
809 CBMA RATE DSGNTN NOT EFFECTIVE The CBMA Rate Designation Code submitted on the CBMA Product Detail is not found to be effective for the pertinent summary date (e.g., entry date). 1/4/2021
810 CBMA TTB TAX RATE MISMATCH The TTB Tax Rate submitted on the CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05') does not match the known tax rate assigned to the CBMA Rate Designation Code for the period. 1/4/2021
811 CBMA CLAIM REQUIRES IR TAX ESTIMATE Submission of a CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05') on the line requires the submission of an IR tax estimate (i.e., IR Tax Information accounting class and estimate). 1/4/2021
812 CBMA ACCOUNTING CLASS CODE MISMATCH The submitted Accounting Class Code on the IR Tax Information is not eligible for the CBMA Rate Designation Code submitted on the CBMA Product Detail. 1/4/2021
814 CBMA FLVR CNTNT CRDT IND MUST BE Y The Flavor Content Credit Indicator on the submitted CBMA Product Detail (Importer's Additional Declaration type of '05') must be value 'Y' (Yes) or left space/blank. 1/4/2021
815 CBMA FLVR CNTNT CRDT IND NOT ALLOWED A Flavor Content Credit claim (Indicator = 'Y') is not allowed for the submitted CBMA Rate Designation Code. 1/4/2021
816 IR TAX ACCEPTED; FLAVOR CREDIT CLAIM This is an informational message; not fatal. The Flavor Content Credit claim (Indicator = 'Y') was allowed / accepted for the submitted CBMA Rate Designation Code; the estimated IR Tax amount was accepted without verification. 1/4/2021
208 PERIODIC STMT REQUIRES CONTINUOUS BOND If payment 6, 7 or 8 is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 51, a continuous bond must on file for the importer and bond type ‘8’ must be transmitted in the 31 record, pos 3, or Bond Waiver ‘0’ in the 10 record, pos 38. 12/1/2020
Q25 NO LINES ON ES SUBJECT TO QTA This is an informational message; not fatal. An Entry Type 02, 07, 12, 32 or 38 Entry Summary has been submitted. None of the lines, however, are subject to a quota. 12/1/2020
191 IN-BND/TRN DT CANNOT BE > EST ENTRY DT The inbond date is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 52-57. This date cannot be later than the estimated entry date reported in the 11 record. 3/30/2020
273 NAFTA RECON IND NOT ALLOWED - CBP CNTL A filing for an ES in 'CBP Control' (i.e., a PSC filing) cannot include a FTA recon claim. (i.e., NAFTA) 2/20/2020
274 RECON ISSUE CODE NOT ALLOWED - CBP CNTL A filing for an ES in 'CBP Control' (i.e., a PSC filing) cannot include a non-FTA recon claim. 2/20/2020
796 PRDCT EXCLSN DEACTIVATED The product exclusion ID specified has been deemed 'deactivated' for a quantity overage or other usage reason. This product exclusion ID cannot be used on a new entry summary. 1/6/2020
797 PRDCT EXCLSN DEACTIVATED This is an informational message; not fatal. The product exclusion ID specified has been deemed 'deactivated' for a quantity overage or other usage reason. This product exclusion ID can only be used in a correction, PSC, or other CBP initiated action. 1/6/2020
783 DUPLICATE ADDTNL DEC TYP ENCOUNTERED If more than one 54-Record reports the same type code for the same line, this error will result. 10/1/2019
790 HTS USE NOT ALLOWED - RESERVED The HTS number reported in the 50-Record is reserved for CBP special use (e.g., quota). 10/1/2019
791 EXP CERT NBR MISSING The Importer’s Additional Declaration Information (54-Record) is missing in a scenario where the Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code requires an export certificate/license number. 10/1/2019
792 MATCHING EXP CERT NBR NOT FND The export/certificate number provided in the Importer's Additional Declaration Information data element does not exist in ACE. 10/1/2019
793 MATCHING EXP CERT NBR NOT FND This is an informational message; not fatal. The export/certificate number provided in the Importer's Additional Declaration Information data element does not exist in ACE. 10/1/2019
794 ADDTNL DEC TYPE RQRD FOR ARTICLE An Importer's Additional Declaration Detail is required for the article. 10/1/2019
795 ADDTNL DEC TYPE RQRD FOR ARTICLE This is an informational message; not fatal. An Importer's Additional Declaration Detail is required for the article. 10/1/2019
A25 LOOP EXCEEDED-IMP ADDTNL DEC DETAILS The Importer's Additional Declaration Detail grouping consists of a 54-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 9 records), this error will result. 10/1/2019
Q16 QUOTA HTS 1/HTS 2 MISMATCH The HTS 1 and HTS 2 Entered on this ES line do not match any Quota ID records 7/29/2019
784 CNSL XPRS INF CANNOT BE CNSLDT ES If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the Consolidated Summary Indicator cannot be marked 'Y'. 4/26/2019
785 CARGO RLSE CERT NOT ALLWD-CNSL XPRS INF If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator cannot be marked 'A'. 4/26/2019
786 HDR FEE NOT ALLOWED FOR CNSL XPRS INF If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', an Entry Summary Header Fee (Accounting Class Code and Header Fee Amount) cannot be specified. 4/26/2019
787 IR TAX NOT ALLOWED FOR CNSL XPRS INF If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the IR Tax Information (Accounting Class Code and IR Tax Amount) cannot be specified. 4/26/2019
788 LINE FEE NOT ALLOWED FOR CNSL XPRS INF If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the Line User Fee Detail (Accounting Class Code and User Fee Amount) cannot be specified. 4/26/2019
789 USAGE NOT ALLOWED FOR CNSL XPRS INF If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', a Shipment Usage Type Code of 'P' (Personal Shipment) or 'X' (Sample Commercial Shipment) cannot be used. 4/26/2019
B73 CNSLDT XPRSS INFRML IND MUST BE Y The Consolidated Express Informal Indicator must be 'Y' or space/blank. 4/26/2019
B74 CNSLDT XPRSS INFRML NOT ALLOWED FOR FLR If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the ES Filer must be an approved Express Consignment facility participant. 4/26/2019
B75 CNSLDT XPRSS INF MUST BE INFRML TYPE If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', the Entry Type Code must be '11' (Informal). 4/26/2019
B76 CNSL XPRS INF NOT ALLWD-ENTRY ON FILE If the Consolidated Express Informal Indicator is 'Y', a conventional Entry with the same Entry Number cannot have been filed. 4/26/2019
S06 Bond Desig Typ Code Not Valid For Bond Typ This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond Designation Type Code that cannot be used with the Bond Type Code and/or the Bond Number. 4/26/2019
417 PRODUCT CLAIM CD UNKNOWN A 'secondary' special program or other type of code is claimed by transmitting a value in the 40 record, pos 55. Five codes are currently approved for this field: C, F, G, H, OR M . If a different code is transmitted, this error will result. 7/24/2018
776 PRDCT EXCLSN ID UNKNOWN The Product Exclusion Identifier provided has not been found in the list of issued exclusions. 7/24/2018
779 PRDCT EXCLSN NOT YET EFF OR EXPIRED The Product Exclusion Identifier provided is not usable because the Line Action date falls outside of the effective period it was issued for. 7/17/2018
780 PRDCT EXCLSN IOR MISMATCH The Product Exclusion Identifier provided is not usable because it was not issued to the Importer of Record reported (11-Record). 7/17/2018
781 PRDCT EXCLSN HTS MISMATCH The Product Exclusion Identifier provided is not usable because it was not issued for the commodity HTS reported (50-Record). 7/17/2018
782 PRDCT EXCLSN ORIG CTRY MISMATCH The Product Exclusion Identifier provided is not usable because it was not issued for the Country of Origin reported (40-Record). 7/17/2018
769 PRDCT EXCLSN ID MISSING The Importer’s Additional Declaration Information (54-Record) is missing in a scenario where the Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code requires a Product Exclusion Identifier (e.g., 02, 03). 5/16/2018
770 PRDCT EXCLSN ID UNKNOWN FORMAT The Importer’s Additional Declaration Information (54-Record) provided in a scenario where the Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code requires a Product Exclusion Identifier (e.g., 02, 03) is not in the format specified by the Department of Commerce. 5/16/2018
771 TRFF ADJSTMNT HTS OR EXCLSN MISSING The article, found to be subject to a remedy or other measure (e.g., a Section 232 or Section 301 measure), is missing either the required remedy HTS (50-Record) or an indication of an 'exclusion' (e.g., a 54-Record Product Exclusion Identifier). 5/16/2018
772 TRFF ADJSTMNT EXCPTN/EXCLSN CONFLICT Both the required remedy HTS (50-Record) and the indication of an 'exclusion' (e.g., a 54-Record Product Exclusion Identifier) has been submitted for the article found to be subject of a remedy or other measure. An article under a remedy requires either the remedy HTS or an indication of an exclusion. 5/16/2018
773 ADDTNL DEC TYPE NOT ALLWD FOR ARTICLE The Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code (54-Record) specified is not allowed to be used with one or more of the HTS numbers (50-Record) specified for the ES line. 5/16/2018
774 ADDTNL DEC TYPE NOT ALLWD FOR CNTRY The Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code (54-Record) specified is not allowed to be used with one Country of Origin Code (40-Record) specified for the ES line. 5/16/2018
775 TRFF ADJSTMNT HTS NOT ALLOWED An HTS (50-Record) reserved for another remedy has been found submitted on the ES line, 5/16/2018
777 ADDTNL DEC TYPE NOT YET EFF OR EXPIRED The Importer’s Additional Declaration Type Code (54-Record) is not yet considered as active/effective or is no longer available for use. 5/16/2018
778 TRFF ADJSTMNT CONFLICT - ENT TYPE The article, normally found to be subject to a remedy or other measure (e.g., a Section 232 or Section 301 measure), is exempted from the remedy because of the Entry Type. The normal remedy HTS (50-Record) or the indication of an 'exclusion' (e.g., a 54-Record Product Exclusion Identifier) have been submitted; they are, however, not allowed for the ES line. 5/16/2018
B72 ACTION NOT ALLOWED; STMNT CONFLICT This condition will occur when the Entry Summary is schedlued for a statement (10-Record Preliminary Statement Print Date) and during validation execution the actual statement generation program is running at the same time for that same date. Change the Preliminary Statement Print Date to the following day and try again. 5/16/2018
Q14 LINE SUBJECT TO ABSOLUTE QUOTA This is an informational message; not fatal. The entry summary line is subject to an absolute quota based on its tariff number(s) and country of origin. 5/16/2018
162 Importer Not Approved For Reconciliation The 11-digit importer of record number, 11 record, pos 3-14, is listed on the reconciliation importer file as being NOT approved for reconciliation entries and/or the importer does not have a recondiliation bond rider. 2/1/2018
572 Zero-Rate Case; Qual Must Be A If BOTH the ad valorem and specific rates for an AD/CVD case are not present or zero, the case type qualifier must be "A" in pos 22 of the 53 record (i.e., Commerce requires that the case be reported as if ad valorem). 2/1/2018
604 HTS Not Allowed for Entry Type One or more tariff numbers transmitted in the AE is not eligible for the submitted entry type: Chapter 9813 HTS number is only allowed for type 23 (TIB).
Chapter 9818 HTS number is only allowed for type 05 (Vessel Repair) - Not automated in AE.
657 Fee Required for Article If an HTS number on the line requires an AMS fee (must), and the line is submitted without that AMS fee class code/amount pair in the 62-Record and there are no exemptions, this error will result. Exemptions can include entry type, Port of Entry, HTS pairing, and/or submittion of an LPC number. 11/16/2017
665 OTH REV NOT ALLOWED - EXEMPT PORT If the 10-Record District Port of Entry is NOT in Puerto Rico (district 49) and the line is submitted with a '672' class code/amount pair in the 61-Record and an HTS number on the line requires that submitted other revenue (may or must), this error will result. (E.g., the article is not a coffee importation into a Puerto Rico Port of Entry.) 11/16/2017
666 OTH REV REQUIRED FOR ARTICLE If an HTS number on the line requires an other revenue class (must) and the line is submitted without that other revenue class code/amount pair in the 61-Record and there is no additional exemption, this error will result. (E.g., an article of coffee into a Puerto Rico Port of Entry.) 11/16/2017
667 OTH REV NOT ALLOWED FOR ARTICLE If a line is submitted with an other revenue class code/amount pair in a 61-Record and no HTS number on the line requires that other revenue, this error will result. 11/16/2017
668 OTH REV ACCEPTED; 'X' COMP CODE This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an other revenue class code/amount pair in a 61-Record and an HTS number on the line requires that other revenue (may or must), and the formula to compute the other revenue amount is a complex computation not verified by the system. 11/16/2017
669 EST OTH REV/CALC’D OTH MISMATCH - LINE If a line is submitted with an other revenue class code/amount pair in the 61-Record, and that other revenue class is allowed, and the filer's estimate of the amount falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the system's calculation (using the rates and formula for the HTS), this error will result. 11/16/2017
698 EST OTH REV/CALC’D OTH MISMATCH - TOTAL If the filer's estimate of the other revenue total (in the 89-Record) falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the sum of the individual system's calculation for each line with that other revenue class, this error will result. 11/16/2017
699 CO RESTRICTED FOR HTS Importation from the country of origin, while generally a country that is designated as 'imports restricted', does allow some articles. This error will result when the HTS specified on the line is not an allowed article from an otherwise 'imports restricted' country. (E.g., An article originating in Cuba that is not allowed by the U.S. Department of State.) 11/16/2017
762 OTH REV NOT ALLOWED - SET COMPONENT Other revenue cannot be reported on a 'V' line for a set. Only the 'X' line can reflect other revenue (e.g., class code '672' - Coffee Imports to Puerto Rico – Duty Assessment). 11/16/2017
763 OTH REV ACCT CLASS CODE MISSING The class code for reporting other revenue amounts must be reported in the 61-Record. If the class code is not transmitted, this error will result. 11/16/2017
764 OTH REV ACCT CLASS CODE UNKNOWN If the 61-Record contains a non-space value other than a known other revenue class code this error will result. 11/16/2017
765 OTH REV ACCT CLASS CODE NOT ALLOWED The accounting class code reported in the 61-Record is not an other revenue class code. 11/16/2017
766 OTH REV CONTAINS NON-NUMERICS If the other revenue amount submitted in the 61-Record contains non-numeric characters or blanks, this error will result. 11/16/2017
767 GRAND OTH REV TOT CONTAINS NON-NUMERICS If the other revenue amount submitted in the 90-Record contains non-numeric characters, this error will result. 11/16/2017
768 GRAND TOT OTH REV NOT = SUM OF EST OTH The sum of the amounts of other revenue transmitted in the 61-Records must agree to the penny with the total other revenue amount transmitted in the 90-Record. If the figures do not match, this error will result. 11/16/2017
452 Non-Reimburse Stm Not Allowed - No Case If the non-reimbursement statement indicator ("Y" in pos 60 of the 40 record) is transmitted on an AD/CVD type entry (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23), but there is no 53 record containing a valid case number, this error will result. 6/20/2017
463 Non-Reimburse Stm Not Allowed - Ent Typ A non-reimbursement statement indicator (Y in pos 60 of th3 40 record) is not permitted if the entry type is not a AD/CVD type entry (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23). 6/20/2017
465 Article May Be Subject to AD/CVD This is an informational message; not fatal. ACE will scan the transmitted tariff numbers and country of origin to determine if there is an active, valid AD or CVD case for those tariff number/c/o combinations. If so, and there is no 53 record included in the AE, this message will result. 6/20/2017
466 AD/CVD Case Not Allowed for Ent Type If the entry type in the 10 record is not a AD/CVD type entry (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23), no AD/CVD data can be included in the entry. If a 53 record is transmitted for such an entry type, this error will result. 6/20/2017
499 Foreign Exporter Missing - Required For Type There must be a 47 record with party type E and an appropriate foreign exporter identification number if transmitted entry type is an AD/CVD type entry (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23). 6/20/2017
577 Sold To Party Missing -Req'd for Type There is no 47 record with code S (sold to party) for the identification number of this party. This element is required for entry types 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 21, 21, 23, 31, 32, 34, 38, 51, 52. 6/20/2017
578 Sold To Party Unknown The identifying number for the entity listed as the 'sold to' party on the 47 (party identifier is S) record is not found on the importer database. If the reported ID number for this party is an EIN, all 11 digits are required. 6/20/2017
598 STANDARD VISA NBR MISSING There is no 51-Record submitted; article requires a standard visa. 6/20/2017
706 At Least One Line Requires AD/CVD Case If entry type 03, 07, 34, 38 is transmitted, there must be at least one 53 record with AD/CVD case information. 6/20/2017
727 ADD/CVD Duty Totals not Allowed If no AD/CVD case was transmitted in any line and an 88 record was transmitted, this error will result. The 88 record is only allowed for reporting ADD or CVD amounts and cannot be used in any entry summary type other than a AD/CVD type entry (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23). 6/20/2017
735 AD/CVD Duty Totals Missing If AD/CVD entry type (03, 07, 34, 38; conditionally 06, 21, 22, 23) is transmitted , there must be an 88 record totaling the bonded/payable amounts of AD/CVD duties. 6/20/2017
245 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
285 FLR/ENTRY DDPP PROFILE NOT FND FOR STMTS A requisite 'account profile' has not been found for the Filer, Entry DDP combination in ACE. This is likely an oversight on the part of your Client Rep. Please contact CBP. 1/24/2017
306 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
313 PMS DAY NOT FOUND IN BROKER PROFILE A periodic monthly statement 'day schedule' has not found in the 'broker account profile'. This is likely an oversight on the part of your Client Rep. Please contact CBP. 1/24/2017
314 PMS DAY NOT FOUND IN IMPORTER PROFILE A periodic monthly statement 'day schedule' has not found in the 'importer account profile'. This is likely an oversight on the part of your Client Rep. Please contact CBP. 1/24/2017
321 WRHSE/WD PRELIM STMT PRINT DT CONFLICT If scheduled for a statement, the Preliminary Statement Print Date of a submitted Re-Warehouse (22) or Warehouse Withdrawal (3x) summary cannot fall earlier than the Preliminary Statement Print Date (if any) of the Warehouse (21) or Re-Warehouse (22) summary to which it is referencing.
If scheduled for a statement, the Preliminary Statement Print Date of a submitted (as a correction) Warehouse (21) or Re-Warehouse (22) summary must fall no later than all Preliminary Statement Print Dates (if any) of all underlying Re-Warehouse (22) or Warehouse Withdrawal (3x) summaries which it covers.
489 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
490 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
491 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
492 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
493 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
494 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
495 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
496 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
497 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
498 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
500 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
501 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
502 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
503 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
504 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
506 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
508 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
510 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
512 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
513 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
514 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
515 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
516 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
517 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
592 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
649 FEE NOT ALLOWED - EXEMPT ARTICLE The submitted 056-Cotton Fee is not allowed to be reported for the line because the first HTS number in chapter 98 exempts the reporting requirement. 1/24/2017
A14 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
B27 Action not allowed - non-ace summary The entry number transmitted to ACE (in the AE) has been transmitted previously to ACS (by an EI or by CBP entering as non-ABI). 1/24/2017
B59 PSC Not Allowed - Under CBP Review If an ACE conventional summary has been placed in a 'review' status by CBP, conditionally not yet liquidated, or extended by CBP, a PSC cannot be filed for that entry. 1/24/2017
B60 PSC NOT ALLOWED – SUSPENDED If an ACE conventional summary has been suspended (other than for AD/CVD reasons 43, 44, 45) a PSC cannot be filed for that entry. 1/24/2017
B61 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
B62 <eliminated> n/a 1/24/2017
B69 PSC NOT ALLOWED – TIB CLOSED A PSC cannot be filed against a Entry Type 23 (TIB) entry summary that has already been closed (i.e., the close date is the same as, or earlier than, the date of PSC transmission). 1/24/2017
B70 ENTRY NUMBER NOT ACTIVE The Entry Number specified identifies an entry summary initially established in legacy ACS and subsequently relocated (converted) to ACE. The entry summary is not eligible to be updated. 1/24/2017
173 FIRMS Required for Entry Type The FIRMS code transmitted in the 20 record, pos 17-20 is required for Entry Type codes FTZ (06), Warehouse (21, 22), and Warehouse Withdrawals (31, 32, 34, 38). 7/27/2016
148 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Allowd -Line Release An ACE Entry summary cannot request ACE cargo certification (Cargo Release Certification Indicator = A) if a release via the Line Release program has already been accepted. 7/12/2016
150 RLF Requires Cargo Rlse Certification With the exception of entry types '3n' (warehouse withdrawal) and '51' (Military-DCMA), RLF summaries must be certified for ACE cargo release. If the 10 record, pos 40, does not include a 'A' (ACE), this error will result. For a cargo certification request of ACE, the requirement applies to every transmission of the RLF summary. 7/12/2016
221 RLF Requires Elec Invoice n/a
Note: Marking the 10-Record Electronic Invoice Indicator with a ‘Y’ (an EIP claim) is not allowed when the filer also specifies an ‘A’ in 10-Record Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator (Certify for ACE Cargo Release).
230 Cnsldtn Not Allwd – Already Rlsed If a consolidating entry summary claim is made ('Y' in 10 record, position 42) and an entry (e.g., ACE SE or other type of release) is already filed, this error will result. 7/12/2016
256 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Allwd–Cnsl Rej Corr If the entry summary is in CBP control, rejected, and is being submitted as a correction, if the summary on file is a consolidated summary and the filer has made a request for cargo certification (A=ACE), this error will result. An entry summary that has been consolidated cannot be used for cargo release purposes. 7/12/2016
292 Cargo Release Cert Ind Unknown If the 10 record pos 4 contains a value other than 'A' this error will result. 7/12/2016
310 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Allowd - Entry Typ If the entry type code is '3n' (warehouse withdrawal) or '51' (Military-DCMA), and the 10 record pos 40 (Cargo Release Certification Request Ind) is 'A' (ACE) this error will result. There entry types never have a corresponding entry. 7/12/2016
749 <eliminated> n/a 7/12/2016
B63 <eliminated> n/a 7/12/2016
B67 Es Type - Cargo Release Conflict If the summary entry type code is '3n' (warehouse withdrawal) or '51' (DCMA) and the entry number has been found to be already established as an entry (in ACE), this error will result. (Warehouse withdrawals or DCMA summaries do not have entries. Note that in this scenario, the found entry would NEVER have a '3n' or '51' entry type code.) 7/12/2016
317 PGA Data Incld Ind Unknown The PGA Data Includer Indicator in the 10-Record, position 68, is other than a 'Y', 'F', or space. 6/20/2016
318 PGA Data Incld Ind/Cargo Cert Conflict
The PGA Data Included Indicator in the 10-Record, position 68, cannot be 'Y' or 'F' if the Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator (postion 40) is 'A' (ACE Cargo Release). 6/20/2016
319 PGA Data Incld Ind/Entry Type Conflict
The PGA Data Included Indicator in the 10-Record, position 68, cannot be 'F' if the Entry Type Code is not '06' (FTZ). 6/20/2016
320 Cargo Rlse Cert Required for Entry Typ
A Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator of 'A' (ACE Cargo Release) is required for the Entry Type Code. (A quota Entry Type entry summary is required to certified for ACE cargo release.) 6/20/2016
548 HTS Not Found on ADCVD Case; Confirm HTS This is an informational message; not fatal. The case number reported in the 53 record, pos 3-12, does not inlcude the tariff number reported in the 50 record, pos 3-12. 6/20/2016
684 <eliminated> n/a 6/20/2016
685 Visa Number Required This is an informational message; not fatal. A Standard Visa Number (51-Record) is required for the commodity/article. (Currently generated for certain Haitian textile articles.) 6/20/2016
686 Matching Visa Number Not Found This is an informational message; not fatal. The Standard Visa Number (51-Record) provided has not been found as a pre-established visa number in ACE. 6/20/2016
687 Lic/Cert/Perm Required A License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number (52-Record) is required for one or more of the HTS numbers cited on the ES line. For the specific License/Certificate/ Permit Type Code submitted, the corresponding licensing agency does not grant an exception. (Note this is the fatal version of 688.) 6/20/2016
688 Lic/Cert/Perm for HTS Missing This is an informational message; not fatal. A License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number (52-Record) is required for one or more of the HTS numbers cited on the ES line. For the specific License/Certificate/ Permit Type Code submitted, the corresponding licensing agency does not (currently) strictly require the number. 6/20/2016
690 Lic/Cert/Perm Code Not Allowed for HTS The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) is not allowed for any of the HTS numbers on the ES line. 6/20/2016
691 Lic/Cert/Perm Number Unknown The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) is not formatted correctly. 6/20/2016
692 Matching Lic/Cert/Perm Number Not Found This is an informational message; not fatal. The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) has not been found as a pre-established identifier. For the specific License/Certificate/ Permit Type Code submitted, the corresponding licensing/issuing agency does not require an exact match. 6/20/2016
693 Matching Lic/Cert/Perm Number Not Found The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) has not been found as a pre-established identifier. For the specific License/Certificate/ Permit Type Code submitted, the corresponding licensing/issuing agency requires an exact match. (Note this is the fatal version of 692.) 6/20/2016
694 Duplicate Lic/Cert/Perm Number The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) has already exceeded its usage on other Entry Summaries or Entry Summary lines; the corresponding licensing/issuing agency has set a usage limit on this specific instrument. 6/20/2016
695 Lic/Cert/Perm Number Previously Used The License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) has already been used on another Entry Summary; the corresponding licensing/issuing agency allows only a single use. 6/20/2016
696 Allowed Value Exceeded for Lic/Cert/Perm The merchandise value of the Entry Summary line as it relates to the License Number/ Certificate Number / Permit Number submitted (52-Record) has exceeded the merchandise value limits set forth by the corresponding licensing/issuing agency. 6/20/2016
B68 Remote Preparer Not Authrzd for Port Note: Not yet implemented. The RLF port of entry in the B record, pos 4-7 has not been associated to the Entry Port Code (10-Record). (Previously this condition generated an X31 error.) 6/20/2016
315 TIB Declaration Ind Not Allowed for Type The TIB Declaration Indicator in the 10-Record, position 69, must be blank/space if the Entry Type Code is other than '23' (TIB). 12/7/2015
316 TIB Declaration Ind Must be Y The TIB Declaration Indicator in the 10-Record, position 69, must be 'Y' if the Entry Type Code is '23' (TIB). 12/7/2015
680 FTZ Line Qty Not Allowed for Ent Type If the entry type code is NOT '06' (FTZ) and position 10-19 of the 41-record contains a value, this error will result. 10/1/2015
681 FTZ Line Qty Missing If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 10-19 of the 41-record contains space/blank, this error will result. 10/1/2015
682 FTZ Line Qty Contains Non-Numerics If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 10-19 of the 41-record contains other than a numeric value, this error will result. 10/1/2015
683 FTZ Line Qty Must be GT Zero If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 10-19 of the 41-record contains all zeroes, this error will result. 10/1/2015
107 Consignee Nbr Ineligible Ultimate consignee numbers at the entry header level (11 rec, pos 15-26) must be in one of the acceptable formats listed in the ACE ABI CATAIR. 00-000000000 or 000-00-0000 are allowed to be used as an ultimate consignee number only if the entry type is 11 or 12 or if the entry summary is a consolidating summary. For other entry types, this number is not allowed. 7/24/2015
127 Import Date Missing If the date of importation on the 11 record, pos 48-53 is not present and it is required, this error will result. Date of importation is required for entry type codes '21' (warehouse) and '23' (TIB) and when the filer makes a NAFTA Reconciliation claim or if the filer has NOT specifically made a NAFTA Reconciliation claim, yet the importer is an Approved Reconciliation Importer that has been set up for ‘blanket’ NAFTA reconciliation. 7/24/2015
135 Tax May Not Be Deferred - Entry Type The deferred tax indicator is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 45. Type 2 in this field indicates an electronic funds transfer deferral has been arranged. This option is not permitted for informal entries. If code '2' is transmitted with entry type 11 or 12, this error will result. 7/24/2015
142 Surety Cancelled If the Surety reported in the 31-record, position 6-8, is considered as cancelled, this error will result. 7/24/2015
143 Surety Revoked If the Surety reported in the 31-record, position 6-8, is considered as revoked, this error will result. 7/24/2015
149 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Authorized The filer's ACS ABE record has not been updated to operational status for cargo release processing. This error will only occur when the filer has requested ACS cargo release certification - Cargo Release Certification Indicator = Y. 7/24/2015
156 Recon Issue Not Allowed - Quota If the entry type code is 02 (Quota), and the Reconciliation Issue Code is '002', '004', '006', or '007', this error will result.
If the entry type code is 02 (Quota), ONLY a Reconciliation Issue Code of ‘001’ (Value), ‘003’ (Chapter 9802), or ‘005’ (Value and Chapter 9802) is allowed.
163 Whrse Withdrwl Info Not Allowed If warehouse data is transmitted in the 30 record for other than entry type code '3x' (withdrawals) and '22' (re-warehouse) this error will result. 7/24/2015
164 MOT Code Missing The Mode of Transportation code (MOT) is required for entry types 01, 02, 03, 07, 21, 23, 51, and 52. It is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 36-37. If the code is omitted, this error will result. 7/24/2015
185 BOL/In-Bond Number(s) Missing If a 22-record is submitted in an AE, yet it is not followed by 1 or more 23-records this error will result. 7/24/2015
195 Dsgntd Exam Site Not Allowed/Ent Conflct If the entry has been established in ACS, and that ACS entry shows a designated exam site but the DES transmitted in the entry summary does not match the one on file, this error will result. 7/24/2015
229 Cnsldtn Not Allwd - Entry Type If a consolidating entry summary claim is made ('Y' in 10 record, position 42) and the entry type code of the submission is neither 01, 11, or 06, this error will result. 7/24/2015
242 Rlse Entry Dist Not = To Cnsldtd Dist If the district code of the 32-record release entry number does not match the 'district' in the 10-record position 18-19, this error will result. 7/24/2015
243 Rlse Entry Already Consolidated If the 32-record release entry number is already consolidate to another entry summary, this error will result. 7/24/2015
244 Rlse Entry 7-Day Period Exceeded If the cargo release dates of the 32-record release entry numbers to not all fall within a 7-day period of each other, this error will result. 7/24/2015
247 Rlse Entry Mot Mismatch If the MOT codes of the 32-record release entry numbers are not all the same, this error will result. Note a release with no MOT code is not used in this comparison. 7/24/2015
255 Consignee Nbr missing An ultimate consignee must be transmitted in the 11 record, pos 15-26. If this element is left blank, this error will result. The consignee number is not required for an informal entry, type 11. 7/24/2015
257 Cnsldtn Not Allwd - Rejected Correction If the entry summary is in CBP control, rejected, and is being submitted as a correction, if the filer has made a consolidated summary request ('Y' in the 10-Record, position 42), this error will result. A consolidating summary claim cannot be made after the summary is in CBP control. (Note that this does not change the consolidating claim / release list made while the summary was in trade control.) 7/24/2015
290 Entry Type Not Allowed From Filer If the entry type code is '51' (Military-DCMA), and the filer of the AE is other than an authorized DCMA filer code, this error will result. 7/24/2015
291 Entry Type Not Allowed From Importer If the entry type code is '51' (Military-DCMA), and the importer of record (11 record, pos 3-14) is other than the authorized DCMA importer ID, this error will result. 7/24/2015
293 Assoc Wrhse Filer Code Missing If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 is blank/space this error will result. 7/24/2015
294 Assoc Wrhse Entry Number Missing If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 8-15 is blank/space this error will result. 7/24/2015
295 Assoc Wrhse Entry Dist/Port Missing If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 17-20 is blank/space this error will result. 7/24/2015
296 Final Wrhse Withdrawal Ind Must Be Y If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 21 is other than blank/space or 'Y' this error will result. 7/24/2015
297 Import Date Not Allowed On Re-Warehouse If the date of importation on the 11 record, pos 48-53 is present and the entry type code is '22' (Re-warehouse), this error will result. Note that the Re-warehouse entry summary inherits the date of importation from the parent warehouse entry (i.e., the initial '21'). 7/24/2015
298 Assoc Wrhse Entry Not Found On File If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is not found as a previously established ACE entry summary, this error will result. 7/24/2015
299 Assoc Wrhse Entry Not A Wrhse Entry If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE entry summary but its entry type code is neither '21' nor '22', this error will result. 7/24/2015
300 Assoc Wrhse Entry Dist/Port Mismatch If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary but the 30 record pos 17-20 does not match that summary's district/port code, this error will result. 7/24/2015
301 Assoc Wrhse Entry Finalized / Paid If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary but the found ACE entry summary has been 'paid', this error will result. 7/24/2015
302 Assoc Wrhse Entry Has Liquidated If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary but the found ACE entry summary has been 'liquidated', this error will result. 7/24/2015
303 Assoc Wrhse Entry Has Been Cancelled If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary but the found ACE entry summary has been 'cancelled', this error will result. 7/24/2015
304 Assoc Wrhse Entry Period Has Expired If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary, but the 11 record position 42-47 (estimated entry date) is beyond the original '21' entry summary's date of importation by more than 5 years, this error will result. 7/24/2015
305 Assoc Wrhse Entry Already Finalized If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary, and the found summary has already been 'finalized', and this AE filing is a 'new' withdrawal (not currently linked to the '21' or '22', this error will result. Once 'finalized' a 'new' withdrawal is not allowed be linked to the '21' or '22' entry summary. Once 'finalized' an 'existing' withdrawal (one already linked), can be modified, however. 7/24/2015
307 Assoc Wrhse Ent Nbr Cannot = Wd Ent Nbr If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 match the 10 records Filer Code / Entry Number this error will result. 7/24/2015
308 Assoc Wrhse Entry Has Been Inactivated If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 3-5 and 8-15 (filer code, entry number) is found as a previously established ACE '21' or '22' entry summary but the found ACE entry summary has been 'inactivated', this error will result. 7/24/2015
309 Mot Not Allowed - Entry Type If the entry type code is '3n' (warehouse withdrawal), and the 10 record pos 36-37 (MOT code) is present, this error will result. There entry types never allow transportation related information. 7/24/2015
311 Bond Detail Not Allowed - Entry Type ** Not currently generated **; bond detail is allowed on any entry summary. 7/24/2015
312 Elec Invoice Not Allowed – ACE Certify Per the CATAIR: Until further notice, marking the 10 record pos 41 (Electronic Invoice Indicator) with a ‘Y’ (an EIP claim) is not allowed when the filer also specifies an ‘A’ in 10-Record Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator (Certify for ACE Cargo Release); if marked this error will result. 7/24/2015
412 Country of Export Cannot Be US If the entry type is other than warehouse ('21'), re-warehouse ('22'), or warehouse withdrawal ('3n'), If the country of export is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 11-12, is "US", this error will result. 'US' is allowed as the C/E for '21', '22', and '3x'. 7/24/2015
439 Quantity/UOM(s) Missing If there are no quantity/UOM pairs reported on the 50-record (position 36-80) for an HTS other than one in chapter 98 or 99, this error will result. 7/24/2015
441 Quantity/UOM Mismatch 50 record pos 36-50, pos 51-65, and pos 66-80 are used to report up to three quantity / UOM 'pairs'. For each pair, if the quantity is reported as zero, yet the UOM is reported as other than 'X' and does not match what is prescribed in HTS, this error will result. If the tariff number does not require a quantity, no UOM can be reported. [See reporting quantity is attached to this tariff number, hence the UOM field must be blank]. 7/24/2015
442 UOM Mismatch 50 record pos 36-50, pos 51-65, and pos 66-80 are used to report up to three quantity / UOM 'pairs'. For each pair, if the quantity is reported greater than zero, yet the reported UOM does not match what is prescribed in HTS, this error will result. Note if the tariff number does not permit the reporting of a UOM (chapter 98 and 99 numbers, usually), this error will also result if the filer provides a UOM. 7/24/2015
443 Second quantity/UOM Missing If the HTS number in the 50-record requires a 2nd quantity/UOM pair and it is missing, this error will result. 7/24/2015
444 Third Quantity/Uom Missing If the HTS number in the 50-record requires and 3rd quantity/UOM pair and it is missing, this error will result. 7/24/2015
445 Duty Not Allowed - Set Component If the 40 record pos 8 is a 'Y' (a component of a 'set'), 50 record pos 14-23 (duty) must be zero. Duty is only allowed to be reported on the 'set header'. 7/24/2015
454 1st Invoice Line Nbr Cannot Be Zero If either 42 record pos 36-39 or pos 41-44 is zero, this error will result. 7/24/2015
476 IR Tax Not Allowed - Set Header If the 40 record pos 8 is an 'X' (the 'header' of a 'set'), a 60 record is not allowed. IR tax is only allowed to be reported on a 'set component'. 7/24/2015
478 Fee Not Allowed - Set Header If the 40 record pos 8 is an 'X' (the 'header' of a 'set') a 62 record where the class code is an AMS fee is not allowed. An AMS fee is only allowed to be reported on a 'set component'. 7/24/2015
479 Mpf Not Allowed - Set Component If the 40 record pos 8 is a 'Y' (a component of a 'set'), a 62 record where class code = '499' is not allowed. MPF is only allowed to be reported on the 'set header'. 7/24/2015
525 Addtnl Declaration Type Code Missing If 54 record pos 3-4 contains space/blank, this error will result. 7/24/2015
532 IR Tax Acct Class Code Unknown If 60 record pos 3-5 contains a non-space value other than '016', '017', '018', or '022' this error will result. 7/24/2015
534 Mfgr Missing-Req'd For CA Import If there is no 47 record where position 3 = M (Manufacturer) and the entry type is '22' (Re-warehouse) or '23' (TIB) and the line country or origin or country of export is 'Canada' , this error will result. 7/24/2015
670 FTZ Status Code Missing If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record is blank (or the 41-record is not present) this error will result. 7/24/2015
671 FTZ Status Code Unknown If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record is not P, N, or D, this error will result. 7/24/2015
672 FTZ Filing Date Not Allowed For Ent Type If the entry type code is NOT '06' (FTZ) and position 4-9 of the 41-record contains a value, this error will result. 7/24/2015
673 FTZ Filing Date Not Allowed For Status If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record is N or D, and position 4-9 of the 41-record contains a value, this error will result. (FTZ Filing Date only allowed when FTZ Status Code = P.) 7/24/2015
674 FTZ Filing Date Missing If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record is P, and position 4-9 of the 41-record is blank this error will result. (FTZ Filing Date required when FTZ Status Code = P.) 7/24/2015
675 FTZ Filing Date Unknown If the entry type code is '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record is P, and position 4-9 of the 41-record is not a legitimate date this error will result. 7/24/2015
676 HTS Must Be TIB 9813 If the entry type code is '23' (TIB) and the first HTS number of an entry summary line does not begin with '9813' this error will result. (Note that the '9813' must always be accompanied by another HTS number.) 7/24/2015
677 HTS Must Be Emergency War Materials If the entry type code is '51' (Military-DCMA) and the first HTS number of an entry summary line is not '9808.00.3000' this error will result. (Note that the '9808.00.3000' must always be accompanied by another HTS number.) 7/24/2015
678 FTZ Status Code Not Allowed For Ent Type If the entry type code is NOT '06' (FTZ) and position 3 of the 41-record contains a value, this error will result. 7/24/2015
679 Fee Not Allowed - Entry Type If the entry type code is '23' (TIB) and a 62 record is submitted with an AMS (e.g., '053' - Beef fee), this error will result. 7/24/2015
701 Grand Totals Missing If the 90 record is not present in an 'add' or 'replace' AE transaction, this error will result. 7/24/2015
734 Acct Class Code Unknown For Tot If an Accounting Class Code on an 89 record is not a known header or line level fee code, this error will result. 7/24/2015
750 OGA DT Reporting Conflict This is a transitional error that will be in effect until the ACS EI transaction is decommissioned. It occurs for the following reasons:

- DT records are included and the filer has marked the Cargo Release Certification Indicator = ‘A’ (ACE request) or 'space' (no cargo release certification request).
- DT records are included and the filer has marked the Cargo Release Certification Indicator = ‘Y’ (ASC request) but the cargo has been already released by a BRASS, FAST, or rail line release program or there is an ACE entry on file.

DT records can ONLY be imbedded in an ACE AE when the filer certifies for ACS cargo release ('Y') and there is no conflict with a previous line release or ACE release. The filer should use the PGA message set (NOT the DT records) in the AE to transmit required DOT information if the filer is certifying for ACE cargo release.
751 Known Importer Ind Must Be Y If 10 record position 67 is other than space/blank or 'Y', this error will result 7/24/2015
752 No STB Found for Filer/Entry Number If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was not established in the eBond system prior to the filing, this error will result. 7/24/2015
753 STB In Void Status If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, but is in a void status, this error will result. 7/24/2015
754 STB Bond Designation Type Do Not Match If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, but the 31 record position 4 Bond Designation Type Code does not match the eBond on file, this error will result. 7/24/2015
755 STB Entry Type Do Not Match If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, but the 10 record entry type code does not match the eBond on file, this error will result. 7/24/2015
756 STB Amounts Do Not Match If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, but the 31 record position 9-18 Single Transaction Bond Amount does not match eBond on file, this error will result. 7/24/2015
757 No STB Found For Importer If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, but the 11 record position 3-14 Importer of Record was not found as a Principal, co-Principal or user on the eBond on file, this error will result. 7/24/2015
758 Importer No Longer Valid For STB If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and the 10 record entry number was established in the eBond system prior to the filing, and the 11 record position 3-14 Importer of Record was found as a Principal, co-Principal or user on the eBond on file, but has expired as the active user, this error will result. 7/24/2015
759 Basic, Supersed/Substitute Bond Missing
If 31 record position 3 Bond Type Code = '9' (STB) and 31 record position 4 Bond Designation Type Code neither 'B' nor 'U' nor 'E', this error will result. 7/24/2015
760 TIB Period Has Expired When no ES exists or an existing ES is in trade control, if entry type is '23' (TIB):

If any line contains 9813.00.75, if the submitted import date (10 record pos 48-53) is more than 6 months earlier than the AE submission date, this error will result.

If no line contains 9813.00.75, if the submitted import date (10 record pos 48-53) is more than 12 months earlier than the AE submission date, this error will result.

When an existing ES is in CBP control, if entry type is '23' (TIB):

If any line contains 9813.00.75, if the submitted import date (10 record pos 48-53) is more than 6 months earlier than the original create date of the ES, this error will result.

If no line contains 9813.00.75, if the submitted import date (10 record pos 48-53) is more than 12 months earlier than the original create date of the ES, this error will result.
761 Bond Cannot Be Waived for Non-CA Artcles When the entry type is '23' (TIB) and the 10 record position 38 = '0' (bond waived), if any submitted line's country of origin is other than 'CA' or a Canadian Province Code, this error will result. 7/24/2015
A05 Loop Exceeded-Cargo Manifest Details The cargo manifest grouping consists of a 22 record followed by up to 23 records. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A07 Loop Exceeded-Release Details The consolidated release grouping consists of a 32-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A08 Loop Exceeded-Line Items The line item grouping consists of a 40-record and numerous lower level groupings. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A09 Loop Exceeded-Invoice Reference Details The EIP invoice grouping consists of a 42-record followed conditionally by 43-, and 44-records. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A10 Loop Exceeded-Commercial Descriptions The commercial description grouping consists of a 44-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A11 Loop Exceeded-Tariff/Value/Qty Details The tariff grouping consists of a 50-record, followed conditionally by PGA data groupings. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 8 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A12 Loop Exceeded-DOT HS-7 Lines The DOT grouping consists of a conditional OI-record, followed by DT01-, DT02-records. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A13 Loop Exceeded-DOT HS-7 Vehicles The DOT vehicle grouping consists of a DT03-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 9,999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A15 Loop Exceeded-FDA 701 Lines The FDA grouping consists of a conditional OI-record, followed by FD01-, FD02-, FD03-, FD04-records. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A16 Loop Exceeded-FDA 701 Act’s The FDA affirmation of compliance grouping consists of a FD05-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 999 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A18 Loop Exceeded-Add/Cvd Case Details The AD/CVD case grouping consists of a 53-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 2 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A19 Loop Exceeded-Line User Fee Details The line user fee grouping consists of a 62-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 5 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
A20 Loop Exceeded-Fee Total Details The fee total grouping consists of an 89-record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 9 records), this error will result. 7/24/2015
B05 Entry Filer Missing The filer code is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 4-6. The field cannot be left blank or this error will result. 7/24/2015
B15 Entry Number Must Be Numeric The entry number is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 9-16. The value must be numeric or this error will result. 7/24/2015
B18 Entry Type Code Unknown The entry type code is required to be transmitted in every AE transaction. It is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 34-35. If this code is not one of the recognized entry types, this error will result. AE now accepts the following entry type codes: 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 38, 51, and 52. 7/24/2015
B23 RLF Not Allowed - Non RLF Entry Filed An ACE summary may not be transmitted as RFL if a pre-existing, accepted, ACS non-RLF entry is on file in ACS. (Note this validation is not in place for an ACE entry.) 7/24/2015
B28 Action Not Allowed - Already Cnsldtd The entry number transmitted to ACE (in the AE) has been used as a release entry that is already consolidated to another summary. 7/24/2015
B33 Ent Typ Chng Not Allowed Post Acceptance Once an ACE entry summary has been paid in (or accepted if no money is due) via statement/ACH acceptance, a retransmission of the summary can conditionally be used to change the entry type, even if the entry has been put into rejected status. However there are limitations. If the change is not allowed, this error will result. 7/24/2015
B37 RLF Not Allowed - Line Release An RLF entry is not allowed if the entry number used refers to an 'entry' where the cargo has been released via a ‘line release’ program; namely Border Release Advanced Screening and Selectivity (BRASS), Free and Secure Trade (FAST) or Rail Line Release. 7/24/2015
B49 PSC Not Allowed - Cannot Be Informal A PSC filing with entry type 11 or 12 is not permitted. 7/24/2015
B55 Action not allowed - ES in Use by CBP An entry summary cannot be accepted if the ACE system is currently processing (or otherwise holding) the records. If this occurs, wait a few minutes and try again. 7/24/2015
B64 PSC Entry Type Change Not Allowed A PSC submission of the summary can conditionally be used to change the entry type. However there are limitations. If the change is not allowed, this error will result. 7/24/2015
B65 Type Chg Not Allwd - Withdrwl(s) Linked If the filer attempts to change the entry type of an entry summary (in Trade Control) with an entry type code of ‘21’ (Warehouse) or ‘22’ (Re-Warehouse) and there have been one or more Warehouse Withdrawal ES’s made against it, this error will result. (The filer could 'delete' the linked Warehouse Withdrawals and then change the type, if needed.) 7/24/2015
B66 Delete Not Allwd - Withdrwl(s) Linked If the filer attempts to delete an entry summary with an entry type code of ‘21’ (Warehouse) or ‘22’ (Re-Warehouse) and there have been one or more Warehouse Withdrawal ES’s made against it, this error will result. (The filer could 'delete' the linked Warehouse Withdrawals and then delete the ES, if needed.) 7/24/2015
Q03 Quota Filled An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If an entry summary line is subject to quota and the CBP Quota module for that quota master record has a status of Filled, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q04 Quota Filled Or Expired An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If an entry summary line is subject to quota and the CBP Quota module for that quota master record has a status of Expired, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q05 Banned Import An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If an entry summary line is subject to quota and the CBP Quota module for that quota master record has a status of Banned, this error will result. The tariff numbers cannot be used for that country. 7/24/2015
Q06 Quota On Hold This is an informational message; not fatal. An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If an entry summary line is subject to quota and the CBP Quota module for that quota master record has a status of Hold, this informational message will result. Processing of the quota lines will not occur until the Quota Branch removes the hold. 7/24/2015
Q07 Quota Potentially Filled This is an informational message; not fatal. An entry summary line is subject to quota based on the tariff numbers, country of origin, and presentation date. If an entry summary line is subject to quota and the CBP Quota module for that quota master record has a status of Potentially Filled, this informational message will result. The Potentially Filled status is set when the quota allocation reaches a certain threshold, usually 95%. 7/24/2015
Q08 Quota Process Pending This is an informational message; not fatal. This informational message will result for all quota lines. Quota is processed after close of business for all ports. Quota lines will be processed if the goods have been arrived in the manifest system, the entry summary has been accepted, and the entry summary is either schedule for a statement or is fully paid. Once quota is processed, a UC message will be sent to the filer indicating whether quota has been accepted, rejected, or reserved for proration (partially accepted). 7/24/2015
Q09 Quota Not Allowed For Entry Type If a line on the entry summary is subject to quota and the entry type is a Type 01, 03, 11, 31, or 34, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q10 Line Subject Quota This is an informational message; not fatal. If the line has tariff numbers and a country of origin that are subject to quota, this informational message will result. 7/24/2015
Q11 Quota Not Scheduled Pending Payment This is an informational message; not fatal. If the payment type code in the 10 record, position 51 is 1 (Individual Payment) and payment has not been received, this informational message will result. The quota lines will not be processed until payment is received. 7/24/2015
Q12 Quota Not Scheduled Pending Arrival This is an informational message; not fatal. If the manifest for the entry summary has not been arrived in the manifest system, this informational message will result. The quota lines will not be processed until the manifest has been arrived. 7/24/2015
Q20 License Number Unknown If the license type in the 52 record, position 3-4 is 14 (Agricultural License), the license number in the 52 record, position 5-14 must match a license number in the USDA License Quota module. If the license number does not exist in the USDA License Quota module, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q21 Quantity Not Allowed For License If the license type in the 52 record, position 3-4 is 14 (Agricultural License) and the license number in the 52 record, position 5-14 is a valid USDA license, the quantity in the 50 record, position 36-47 cannot exceed the amount available on the license. If the quantity for the line exceeds the amount available on the USDA license, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q22 HTS Nbr Not Allowed For License If the license type in the 52 record, position 3-4 is 14 (Agricultural License) and the license number in the 52 record, position 5-14 is a valid USDA license, the HTS number in the 50 record, position 3-12 must be an HTS number associated with that license number. If the HTS number does not apply to that license, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q23 Country Not Allowed For License If the license type in the 52 record, position 3-4 is 14 (Agricultural License) and the license number in the 52 record, position 5-14 is a valid USDA license, the country or origin in the 40 record, position 9-10 must be a country associated with that license number. If the country of origin does not apply to that license, this error will result. 7/24/2015
Q24 Importer Not Allowed For License If the license type in the 52 record, position 3-4 is 14 (Agricultural License) and the license number in the 52 record, position 5-14 is a valid USDA license, the importer of record number in the 11 record, position 3-14 must be an IR# associated with that license number. If the IR# does not apply to that license, this error will result. 7/24/2015
145 Reported Surety/Bond Surety Mismatch The surety code reported in the 31 record, pos 6-8, does not agree with the surety code listed in the ACCOUNTS tab for the importer of record number for a current, active bond. If bond information appears correct in ACE and/or ACS, it is possible that the DB2 tables are incorreclty coding the bond status. Notify your CBP client representative. 1/22/2015
B29 Entry Summary Under CBP Control A retransmission of an ACE Entry Summary that has appeared on a statement will receive this error if: 1) Entry Summary was not deleted from statement or a new future statement date was not requested in an HP transaction in ACS; 2) Entry Summary is paid, that is a collection has been received; 3) or the Entry Summary is under CBP Review. Filers can identify an Entry Summary under CBP review as they have received one or more UC messages for the Entry Summary indicating that documents are required.

If conditions 2 or 3 apply, the filer must have the CBP port reject the entry summary back to them or file a PSC in order to replace the ES in ACE.
If condition 1 applies, the filer may delete the entry summary from statement in ACS (move it to a future statement or make it single pay) – this will move the ES back to trade control in ACE and then it can be replaced by the filer until it once again appears on statement (or is paid).
S01 10 Record Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a 10 record. 1/5/2015
S02 10 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than 999 10 records within one B-Y Block. 1/5/2015
S03 Bad Input Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a record not supported in the eBond CB Implementation Guide (IG). 1/5/2015
S04 Bond Desig Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a space in the Designation Type Code or a code not valid per the Implementation Guide. The only acceptable codes are: 'B','A','V','C','U','E', 'R', or 'T'. 1/5/2015
S05 Bond Type Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a space in the Bond Type Code or a code not valid per the Implementation Guide. The only acceptable codes are: '8' or '9'. 1/5/2015
S07 Cannot Add STB Already On-File For Tran This error will be returned when the transaction is submitted:
- with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is 'B', but a bond already exists for the Transaction ID.
- with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is 'U', but a bond with a Designation Type Code = 'U' already exists for the Transaction ID and it is not in void status.
- with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is 'U', but a bond with a Designation Type Code = 'E' already exists for the Transaction ID and it is not in void status.
- with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is 'E', but a bond with a Designation Type Code = 'U' already exists for the Transaction ID and it is not in void status.
- with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is 'E', but a bond with a Designation Type Code = 'E' already exists for the Transaction ID and it is not in void status.
S08 STB Already Matched To Transaction This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is ‘V’, but the bond / transaction match has already occurred. 1/5/2015
S09 STB Already Void This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is ‘V’ or 'C', but the STB has already been 'Void'. 1/5/2015
S10 STB Not Matched To Transaction This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is ‘U’ or 'E', but the bond / transaction match has not occurred. 1/5/2015
S11 Action Not Allowed After Entry Summary This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Designation Type Code is ‘U', the bond / transaction match has occurred, but the Entry Summary has been filed. 1/5/2015
S12 Not Allowed Entry Filed Over 90 Days Ago This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9', the Designation Type Code is ‘E’, and the Transaction ID Type Code = '1', but the Entry Create Date is over 90 days ago. 1/5/2015
S13 Cont Bond Already Terminated This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '8' and the Designation Type Code is ‘T’, but the bond has already been 'Terminated'. 1/5/2015
S14 Bond Activity Type Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Bond Activity Type Code:
- with a space
- with a code not valid per the IG.
- with a code not valid to be used with the Bond Type Code submitted.
S15 Bond Amount Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with all spaces or all zeros in the Bond Amount. 1/5/2015
S16 Execution Date Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Execution Date:
- with all spaces
- with a date in format other than MMDDYY
- with a date that is after the Effective Date and the Bond Type is '8'.
S17 Effective Date Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '8' and the Effective Date:
- with all spaces
- with a date in format other than MMDDYY
- with a date that is before the Execution Date in positions 18-23 of the 10 record.
S18 Effective Date Not Used For STB This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Effective Date in positions 33-38 is not space filled. 1/5/2015
S19 Not Used With Bnd Typ This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Bond Type of '9' and the Termination Date is not space filled. 1/5/2015
S20 Not Used With This Bnd Desig Typ Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a field that is not used with the Bond Designation Type Code submitted. 1/5/2015
S21 Termination Date Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Termination Date that is not formatted correctly or is before the Effective Date in positions 33-38 of the 10 record. 1/5/2015
S22 Bond Number Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Designation Type Code of ‘V’,'R', 'C', or 'T' and the Bond Number is space filled. 1/5/2015
S23 Bond Number Not On-File This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Designation Type Code of ‘V’, 'C', 'R', or 'T' and the Bond Number submitted in positions 45-54 of the 10 record is not on-file in ACE. 1/5/2015
S24 20 Record Not Used For Cont Bonds This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Bond Type of '8' and the 20 record is submitted. 1/5/2015
S25 20 Record Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond Designation Type Code = 'B','A','U', or 'E' and Bond Type = '9', but the 20 record is not included. 1/5/2015
S26 20 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than one 20 record per 10 record. 1/5/2015
S27 Trans Id Type Cd Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '9' and the Transaction ID Type Code in position 3 is space filled or contains anything other than the allowed codes for Transaction ID Type Code. 1/5/2015
S28 Entry Typ Required For Trans Id Typ This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Transaction ID Type Code = '1' and the Entry Type in positions 4-5 space filled. 1/5/2015
S29 Entry Typ Not Used For Trans Id Typ This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Transaction ID Type Code not equaled to '1' and the Entry Type in positions 4-5 is not space filled. 1/5/2015
S30 Trans Id Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Transaction ID that is space filled or is not in a valid format. 1/5/2015
S31 30 Record Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Designation Type Code of ‘B’,'A','U',or 'E' and the 30 record is not submitted. 1/5/2015
S32 Princ Id Num Type Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 30 record and the Principal ID Number Type is space filled or contains anything other than the allowed codes. 1/5/2015
S33 Princ Id Num Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Principal ID Number that is space filled or is not in a valid format. 1/5/2015
S34 Princ Id Num Not In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Principal ID Number that is not on file in ACE/does not have an ACE Importer Account. 1/5/2015
S35 Princ Id Num Not Active In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Principal ID Number that is not active in ACE/has an ACE Importer Account, but it is not active. 1/5/2015
S36 Name Must Be Space Filled This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Principal Name, Co-Principal Name, Bond User Name, Surety Name, or Co-Surety Name that is not space filled. 1/5/2015
S37 35 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than 99 35 records per 30 record. 1/5/2015
S38 Co-Princ Id Num Type Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 35 record and the Co-Principal ID Number Type is space filled or contains anything other than the allowed codes. 1/5/2015
S39 Co-Princ Id Num Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Co-Principal ID Number that is space filled or is not in a valid format. 1/5/2015
S40 Co-Princ Id Num Not In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Co-Principal ID Number that is not on file in ACE/does not have an ACE Importer Account. 1/5/2015
S41 Co-Princ Id Num Not Active In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Co-Principal ID Number that is not active in ACE/has an ACE Importer Account, but it is not active. 1/5/2015
S42 Duplicate Co-Principal Id Number This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Co-Principal ID Number that is a duplicate of another Co-Prinicipal ID Number submitted for the same bond. 1/5/2015
S43 36 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than 999 36 records per 30 record. 1/5/2015
S44 Bnd Usr Id Num Type Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 36 record and the Bond User ID Number Type is space filled or contains anything other than the allowed codes. 1/5/2015
S45 Bnd Usr Id Num Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond User ID Number that is space filled or is not in a valid format. 1/5/2015
S46 Bnd Usr Id Num Not In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond User ID Number that is not on file in ACE/does not have an ACE Importer Account. 1/5/2015
S47 Bnd Usr Id Num Not Active In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond User ID Number that is not active in ACE/has an ACE Importer Account, but it is not active. 1/5/2015
S48 Duplicate Bond User Id Number This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Bond User ID Number that is a duplicate of another Bond User ID Number submitted for the same bond. 1/5/2015
S49 40 Record Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the Designation Type Code of ‘B’,'A','U',or 'E' and the 40 record is not submitted. 1/5/2015
S50 Surety Code Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Surety Code that is space filled. 1/5/2015
S51 Surety Code Not In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Surety Code that is not on file in ACE/does not have an ACE Surety Account. 1/5/2015
S52 Agent Id Num Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with an Agent ID Number that is space filled or is not in a valid format. 1/5/2015
S53 Agent Id Num Not In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with an Agent ID Number that is not on file in ACE/does not have an Agent ID Number in ACE. 1/5/2015
S54 Agent Id Num Not POA For Surety In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with an Agent ID Number that is not assigned to the Surety Code submitted in positions 3-5 in ACE. 1/5/2015
S55 Duplicate Co-Surety Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Co-Surety Code that is a duplicate of another Co-Surety Code submitted for the same bond. 1/5/2015
S56 Surety Liability Required With Co-Surety This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a 45 record for a Co-Surety, but the Surety Liability Amount data element in the 40 record is space filled. 1/5/2015
S57 Surety/Co-Sur Code Not On File For Bond This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code is 'C’ and the Co-Surety Code is submitted, but it is not a Co-Surety code already on file for the bond. 1/5/2015
S58 Co-Princ Id Num Cannot Equal Co-Princ Id Nu This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 35 record and the Co-Principal ID Number is equal to the Principal ID Number in the 30 record. 1/5/2015
S59 Bnd Usr Id Num Cannot Equal Princ Id Num This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 36 record and the Bond User ID Number is equal to the Principal ID Number in the 30 record. 1/5/2015
S60 Bnd Usr Id Num Cannot Equal Co-Princ Id This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 36 record and the Bond User ID Number is equal to the Co-Principal ID Number in the 35 record. 1/5/2015
S61 Co-Surety Cannot Equal Surety Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a valid 45 record and the Co-Surety Code is equal to the Surety Code in the 40 record. 1/5/2015
S62 12 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than one 12 record per 10 record. 1/5/2015
S63 Invalid SNP - XXXXXXXXX This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the 12 record, but the first Secondary Notify Party in positions 3 to 11 is not be provided. 1/5/2015
S64 Invalid SNP Profile - XXXXXXXXX This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the 12 record, but the Secondary Notify Party (SCAC, FIRMS, or ABI Routing Code) does not have a valid EDI profile in ACE. 1/5/2015
S65 Bond Desig Requires ACE Entry On File This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Designation Type Code = ‘A’ and Transaction ID Type Code = 1, but no entry is on file in ACE for the Transaction ID/Entry # submitted. 1/5/2015
S66 30 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than one 30 record per 10/20 record combination. 1/5/2015
S67 40 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than one 40 record per 10/20 record combination. 1/5/2015
S68 45 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than 99 45 records per 10/20 record combination. 1/5/2015
S69 Action Not Allowed Before Cargo Release This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type = '9', the Designation Type Code = 'U', and the Transaction ID Type Code = '1', but the cargo has not been released in ACE. 1/5/2015
S70 Entry Typ Not Valid With Bond Actvty This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type = '9', Bond Activity Code = '1A', and the Entry Type Code in positions 4-5 of the 20 do not = 41-46. 1/5/2015
S71 Out Of Sequence Record Found This error will occur when the record sequencing does not following the Input Message Structure Map in the Implementation Guide based on the Bond Designation Type Code submitted. If records are submitted out of that order, the submission is invalid. 1/5/2015
S72 Id Num Must Match Princ Or Co-Princ Num This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond User ID Number Type is 'EI', but the first nine numbers do not match that of the Principal ID Number in the 30 record or that of any of the Co-Principal ID Numbers in the 35 record. 1/5/2015
S73 Bnd Amount Must Equal Sum Of Surety Liab This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the bond designation type code = 'B', 'A', 'U', '‘E’, or 'C', the 45 record is submitted, and the Bond Amount does not equal the sum of the Surety Liability Amount (40 Record) and the Co-Surety Liability Amounts (45 records). 1/5/2015
S74 Cannot Term Bond Not In Active Status This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Type of '8' and the Designation Type Code is ‘T’, but the bond status is not active in ACE. 1/5/2015
S75 Surety Code Not Active In ACE This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a Surety Code that is on file in ACE, but not active. 1/5/2015
S76 Surety Liability Amount Invalid This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the 45 record, but the Surety Liability Amount data element is not numeric or is not greater than zero. 1/5/2015
S77 Must Be Space Filled With Bond Desig Typ A field is required to be space filled with the bond designation type code submitted.. 1/5/2015
S78 Actn Not Allowed Before Ace Entry Filed This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Designation Type Code = ‘E’, Transaction ID Type Code = 1, and the entry is on file in the ENTRY table, but the Entry Create Date is greater than today. 1/5/2015
S79 Invalid Entry Type This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with an invalid Entry Type in positions 4-5 of the 20 record. 1/5/2015
S80 Not Allowed Not Original Filer Of Bond This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with bond designation type code = 'V', 'T', 'C', or 'R', but the Filer in the B record is not the original Filer of the Bond. 1/5/2015
S81 Rider Not Allowed Due To Bond Status This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code is 'R', but the existing bond is not in On File, Active, or Matched status in ACE,
S82 Invalid Recon Flag This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the Reconciliation Bond Rider Flag data element contains anything other than Y, N, or space. 1/5/2015
S83 Invalid Recon Rider Action Request This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the Reconciliation Bond Rider Flag is 'Y', but the Recon Flag has already been set
or the Bond Designation Type Code is 'R' and Reconciliation Bond Rider Flag is 'N', but the Recon Flag has aleady been removed.
S84 Invalid USVI Flag This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the USVI Bond Rider Flag data element contains anything other than Y or space. 1/5/2015
S85 Invalid USVI Rider Action Request This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the USVI Bond Rider Flag is 'Y', but the USVI Bond Rider Flag has already been set on the bond. 1/5/2015
S86 Invalid User Rider Action Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R', the 36 Record is submitted, and the User Rider Action Code data element contains anything other than A or D. 1/5/2015
S87 Cannot Delete Bnd Usr Not On-File This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the User Rider Action Code data element contains a 'D', but the User specified is not on file for the bond. 1/5/2015
S88 Cannot Delete Bnd Usr Already Deleted This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the User Rider Action Code data element contains a 'D', but the User specified has already been deleted from the bond. 1/5/2015
S89 Cannot Add Bnd Usr Aleady On-File This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and User Rider Action Code data element contains an 'A', but the User specified is already on the bond. 1/5/2015
S90 Not Used With This Usr Rider Action Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R', the User Rider Action Code = 'D', but the User Add Date in positions 59-64 of the 36 is not space filled or with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R', the User Rider Action Code = 'A', but the User Delete Date in positions 65-70 of the 36 is not space filled. 1/5/2015
S91 User Add Date Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the User Rider Action Code data element contains an 'A', but the User Add Date is space filled, contains a date in a format other than MMDDYY for CATAIR, or contains a date that is not equal to or greater than the Execution Date submitted. 1/5/2015
S92 User Delete Date Invalid Or Missing This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Bond Designation Type Code = 'R' and the User Rider Action Code data element contains a 'D', but the User Delete Date is space filled, contains a date in a format other than MMDDYY for CATAIR, or contains a date that is not at least 10 days from the Execution Date. 1/5/2015
S93 Bnd Amt Exceeds Surety Underwriting Lmt This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the bond designation type code = 'B', 'A', 'U', '‘E’, or 'C', only the 40 record is submitted, and the Bond Amount is greater than the Surety's Underwriting Limit. 1/5/2015
S94 Bnd Amt Exceeds Sum Of Underwriting Lmts This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the bond designation type code = 'B', 'A', 'U', '‘E’, or 'C', at least one 45 record is submitted, and the Bond Amount is greater than the sum of the Underwriting Limits of the Surety (40 Record) and the Co-Surety(s) (45 records). 1/5/2015
S95 Not Authorized To Transmit For Surety This error will be returned when the transaction is submitted:
- the Surety Agent Filer Code located in positions 8-10 of the B record has not been authorized to transmit bonds on behalf of the surety.
- the Surety Agent Filer Code located in positions 8-10 of the B record has not been authorized to transmit bonds on behalf of the co-surety.
- the Surety Agent Filer Code located in positions 8-10 of the B record has not been authorized to transmit bonds on behalf of the re-insurer.
S96 Acnnot Add Bond Already On-file For IR This error will be returned when the transaction is submitted:
- with Bond Type of '8' and the Designation Type Code is 'B', but the Princ IR # submitted already has an active bond on file in ACE for the Bond Activity Type Code.
- with Bond Type of '8' and the Designation Type Code is 'B', but the Co-Princ IR # submitted already has an active bond on file in ACE for the Bond Activity Type Code.
- with Bond Type of '8' and the Designation Type Code is 'B', but the User IR # submitted already has an active bond on file in ACE for the Bond Activity Type Code.
S97 Liab Amt Exceeds Agent Limit by Surety This error will be returned when the transaction is submitted with an Agent ID Number that is assigned to the Surety Code submitted in ACE, but the liability amount exceeds the limit assigned to the agent by the Surety. 1/5/2015
S98 Transaction Data Rejected This error will occur at the message level and will be returned in addition to the record level error(s). 1/5/2015
S99 ACE System Failure This error will be returned when the transaction is submitted with an issue or issues not recognized by ACE. 1/5/2015
SR1 46 Record Count Exceeded This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with more than one 46 record per 40 record. 1/5/2015
SR2 46 Record Not Valid With 45 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a 45 record and a 46 record. 1/5/2015
SR3 Re-Insurer Cannot Equal Surety Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the same Surety Code for Re-insurer as sibmitted as the Surety in the 40 record. 1/5/2015
SR4 Re-Insurer Not On File For Bond This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with Designation Type Code= 'C’ and the Surety Code for the Re-Insurer is submitted, but it is not a surety code already on file as the Re-insurer for the bond. 1/5/2015
SR5 Bnd Amt Exceeds Reinsur Underwriting Lmt This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with the bond designation type code = 'B', 'A', 'U', '‘E’, or 'C, a 46 record is submitted for a Re-insurer, and the Bond Amount is greater than to the Re-insurer's Underwriting Limit. 1/5/2015
X17 Filer Not Authorized The B record filer/port is not authorized for the transaction. Verify these 2 fields to determine if correct and if so contact your CBP client representative for assistance. 11/25/2014
014 Date Range Exceeds Query Limit In a Census Warning Query, the date range being queried (the difference between the requested from date and the requested to date) exceeds 31 days. 9/18/2014
751 Known importer ind must be a Y The Known Importer Indicator as reported in the 10-record, position 67 must either be a space or a Y. 9/12/2014
622 Duty Accepted; "X" Duty Comp Code This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an HTS number on the line which requires duty, and the formula to compute the duty is a complex computation not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
623 Duty Accepted; Unsupported Formula This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an HTS number on the line which requires duty, and the duty is not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
626 Duty Accepted; HTS or Other Exception This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an HTS number on the line which requires duty, and the duty is not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
628 Duty Accepted; Complex Line This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an HTS number on the line which requires duty, and the formula to compute the duty is a complex computation not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
658 IR Tax Accepted 'X' Comp Code This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an IR tax class code/amount pair in a 60-Record and an HTS number on the line requires that tax (may or must), and the formula to compute the tax is a complex computation not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
659 Fee Accepted; 'X' Comp Code This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition will be generated if a line is submitted with an AMS fee class code/amount pair in a 62-Record and an HTS number on the line requires that AMS fee (may or must), and the formula to compute the fee is a complex computation not verified by the system. 8/19/2014
574 Specific Rate Not Found for Case If the filer transmits indicator "S" in position 22 of the 53 record, indicating that the reported AD/CVD case has as specific rate of duty, this error will result if the case details do not indicate a specific rate of duty or the Case Deposit Rate in the 53 record positions 14-21 does not match the current active case specific rate or is left blank. 8/5/2014
121 Producer acct nbr missing If a type '9' bond is transmitted, the 31 record must include the surety's producer account number in pos 19-28. If that field is blank or zero filled, this error will result. The producer account number is the Surety Reference Number located on CBP Form 301. 7/26/2014
565 Cases May Not Be Related This is an informational message; not fatal. The cases reported in consecutive 53 records for the same customs line are not listed on the AD/CVD database as being related to one another. 7/26/2014
597 PGA Form Cannot Be Both Dsclmd & Submittd This error will occur when both an FDA disclaimer and FDA data or a DOT disclaimer and DOT data are submitted on the same entry summary line. A PGA disclaimer and PGA data from the same PGA cannot be submitted on the same entry summary line. 7/26/2014
286 IOR Change Not Allowed for PSC If a change to the Importer of Record  (IOR) is needed.  Prior to PSC filing, the trade must send a request to change the IOR to CBP with CF 3347. See ACE Entry Summary Business Rules and Process Document for additional guidance. 7/12/2014
593 Delivered To Party Format Cannot Be Used When reporting the line level delivered to party, one of the acceptable formats must be used. If the format of nnnn-nnnnn (old CBP assigned format) is transmitted, this error will result. 7/12/2014
594 Delivered To Party Unknown Format The delivered to party number must be in one of the acceptable formats. If any other formats are used, or if any characters other than alpha or numerics are used, this error will result. Note: encrypted IRS or SSN numbers are not accepted in an AE transaction. 7/12/2014
595 Sold To Party Format Cannot Be Used When reporting the line level sold to party, one of the acceptable formats must be used. If the format of nnnn-nnnnn (old CBP assigned format) is transmitted, this error will result. 7/12/2014
596 Sold To Party Unknown Format The sold to party number must be in one of the acceptable formats. If any other formats are used, or if any characters other than alpha or numerics are used, this error will result. Note: encrypted IRS or SSN numbers are not accepted in an AE transaction. 7/12/2014
644 Usage Not Allowed for Cnsl Summ If the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'P' or an 'X', and the 10-Record Consolidated Summary Indicator is a 'Y', this error will result. 7/12/2014
645 HTS / Shipment Usage Reqs Formal Entry If the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'P' or a blank and an HTS number on the line requires a Formal Entry, this error will result.
- or -
If the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is an 'X', and an HTS number on the line requires a Formal Entry and the total Merchandise Value for the line is GT $250, this error will result.
646 Artcl Value Exceeds Infrml Limit for HTS If an HTS number on the line requires a Formal Entry and the total Merchandise Value for the line is GT $250, this error will result.
- or -
If the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X' or a blank, and none of the HTS numbers on the line requires a Formal Entry and the line contains 9801.00.10 (various US goods returned) and the total Merchandise Value for the line is GT $10,000, this error will result.
- or -
If the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X' or a blank, and none of the HTS numbers on the line requires a Formal Entry and the line is neither US goods returned, nor 9801.00.50 or 9801.00.60, and the summary is not consolidated and the total Merchandise Value for the line is GT $2,500, this error will result.
647 Commrcl Sample Article Combo Not Allowed If the ES has two or more lines, and the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X', and any one line has an HTS number which requires Formal Entry, then every line must also have an HTS number which requires Formal Entry, If not, this error will result. 7/12/2014
648 Total Value Exceeds Infrml Limit If the ES has two or more lines, and the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X', and every line has an HTS number requires a Formal Entry and the total Merchandise Value for the entire summary is GT $250.00, this error will result.
- or -
If the ES has two or more lines, and the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X' (but not the case above) or a blank, and at least one line is US goods returned, and the total Merchandise Value for the entire summary is GT $10,000.00, this error will result.
- or -
If the ES has two or more lines, and the 10-Record Shipment Usage Type Code is a 'X' (but not the case above) or a blank, and none of the lines are neither US goods returned, nor 9801.00.50 or 9801.00.60, and the summary is not consolidated, and the total Merchandise Value for the entire summary is GT $2,500.00, this error will result.

651 IR Tax Not Allowed - Exempt Port If the 10-Record District Port of Entry is in Puerto Rico (district 49) and the line is submitted with an IR tax class code/amount pair in the 60-Record and an HTS number on the line requires that submitted tax (may or must), this error will result. 7/12/2014
652 Fee Not Allowed - Exempt Port If the 10-Record District Port of Entry is in Puerto Rico (district 49) or the Virgin Islands (district 51) and the line is submitted with an '053' beef AMS fee class code/amount pair in a 62-Record and an HTS number on the line requires a beef fee (may or must), this error will result. 7/12/2014
653 Fee / Exempt Claim Conflict If a line is submitted with an AMS fee class code/amount pair in a 62-Record, and an HTS number on the line requires that AMS fee (may or must) and the filer has also made a conflicting exemption claim (either a value in the 40-Record Fee Exemption Code or an exemption certificate in a 52-Record), this error will result. 7/12/2014
654 IR Tax Not Allowed for Article If a line is submitted with an IR tax class code/amount pair in a 60-Record and no HTS number on the line requires that IR tax, this error will result. 7/12/2014
655 Fee Not Allowed for Article If a line is submitted with an AMS fee class code/amount pair in a 62-Record and no HTS number on the line requires that AMS fee, this error will result. 7/12/2014
656 IR Tax Required for Article If an HTS number on the line requires an IR tax (must) and the line is submitted without that IR tax class code/amount pair in the 60-Record and the District Port of Entry is not an exempt port, this error will result.
660 Est IR Tax/Calc’d Tax Mismatch - Line If a line is submitted with an IR tax class code/amount pair in the 60-Record (other than 016) and the IR tax class is allowed and the filer's estimate of the IR tax falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the system's calculation (using the rates and formula for the HTS), this error will result.
- or -
If a line is submitted with an IR tax 016 distilled spirits class code/amount pair in the 60-Record, and the IR tax class 016 is allowed and the filer's estimate of the IR tax falls outside $3.00 (minus only) of the system's calculation (using the rates and formula for the HTS), this error will result.
661 Est Fee/Calc'd Fee Mismatch - Line If a line is submitted with an AMS fee class code/amount pair in the 62-Record, and the AMS fee class is allowed, and filer's estimate of the AMS fee falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the system's calculation (using the rates and formula for the HTS), this error will result. 7/12/2014
662 Est IR Tax/Calc'd Tax Mismatch - Total If the filer's estimate of the IR tax, combined class total (in the 90-Record), when no IR tax 016 reported on any line, falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the sum of the individual system's calculation for each line with an IR tax class, this error will result.
- or -
If the filer's estimate of the IR tax, combined class total (in the 90-Record), when at least one line has an IR tax 016 (distilled spirits) reported, falls outside $3.00 (minus only) of the sum of the individual system's calculation for each line with an IR tax class, this error will result.
663 Est Fee/Calc'd Fee Mismatch - Total For each AMS fee class submitted in the summary, if the filer's estimate of the AMS fee total (in the 89-Record) falls outside $3.00 (plus or minus) of the sum of the individual system's calculation for each line with that AMS class, this error will result. 7/12/2014
664 Charges Amount Required A 40-Record Charges Amount can be $0 when the entry type is informal (11, 12), or the MOT is Passenger Hand Carried (60), or country or origin is a US Insular Possession, or the filing is a consolidated Summary, or the line is a Set Component (V), or the line contains 9802.00.4040, 9802.00.5010, 9802.00.5060, 9802.00.8040, 9802.00.8060, 9813.00.0520, or 9813.00.0540 AND any HTS number on the line requires Formal Entry. Otherwise:

If the 40-Record Charges Amount = $0, and the line is classified as a repaired article (9802.00.40 or 9802.00.50) and the repair portion of the Merchandise Value is GT $1,250, this error will result.
- or -
If the 40-Record Charges Amount = $0, and the line is classified as a returned article (9801.00.1000 thru 9801.00.1099) and the Merchandise Value is GT $10,000, this error will result.
- or -
If the 40-Record Charges Amount = $0, and any HTS number on the line requires Formal Entry, and the Merchandise Value is GT $250, this error will result.
- or -
If the 40-Record Charges Amount = $0, and the Merchandise Value is GT $1,250, this error will result.
710 AD/CVD Case(s) Requires STB This error will occur: 1) if ANY single AD/CVD case is submitted where the basic bond claimed is continuous and the rate used for that case is an Ad Valorem Rate equal to or greater than 5% or 2) if ANY single case is submitted where the basic bond claimed is continuous and the rate used for that case is a Specific Rate. 7/12/2014
B30 Entry Summary Has Been Liquidated If an ACE Entry summary has been scheduled for liquidation, a retransmission of the AE is not permitted. This error will result. If an ACE Entry summary has been scheduled for liquidation, a transmission of the CW is not permitted. After payment, unresolved census warnings can be resolved by transmitting a PSC with the proper census override codes. 7/12/2014
MS0 Multiple Reqsts Not Alwed In A Block This error will occur when more than one QR-record is included in a B-Y block of the MO transaction. 3/24/2014
MS1 Input Reroute Request Missing This error will occur when no QR-record is submitted in a B-Y block of an MO transaction. 3/24/2014
MS2 Trans Date Of Stmt Beyond 60 Days This error will occur if the transmission date provided in the QR-record is more than 60 days in the past. Only statements within the past 60 days may be rerouted. 3/24/2014
MS3 Trans Data Of Stmt Missing Or Invalid The transmission date of the periodic statement(s) requested is a mandatory field in the QR-record; it must be provided and must be in a valid MMDDYY format or this error will occur. 3/24/2014
MS4 Importer Of Record Unknown The importer of record (if present in the QR-record) must be a valid IOR and exist in the ACE importer account data base. 3/24/2014
MS5 Statement Number Unknown This error will occur if the transmission date and type of statement(s) to reroute are valid however, no statement is found for the filer/port in the B-record associated with the statement number provided in the QR-record. 3/24/2014
MS6 Scope Indicator Invalid If the scope indicator is submitted in the QR-record, the only valid values are "A" and space otherwise this error will be returned. 3/24/2014
MS7 Stmt Request (Prel or Final) Invalid If either of the fields Preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement Request or Final Periodic Monthly Statement Request values are submitted yet not equal to "Y" or "N", this error will occur. 3/24/2014
MS8 Optional Request Field(s) Use Invalid This error will occur if the importer of record number or client branch indicator are used in combination with the statement number or scope indicator. 3/24/2014
MS9 No Statement Found To Reroute If any and all periodic monthly statement reroute request criteria provided in the QR-record are valid and no statement is found to reroute, this error will occur. Verify the transmission date and/or statement number and/or preliminary or final request indicators submitted are correct. 3/24/2014
MSA Total Number Of Statements Rerouted This condition will occur when statement(s) have been found based on the request criteria and have been rerouted. The count of successfully rerouted statement(s) will also be provided. 3/24/2014
MSB Statement Number Invalid A request to reroute a specific periodic monthly statement has been submitted yet the periodic statement number provided in the QR-record is less than 10 digits. 3/24/2014
MSC Stmt Request (Prel or Final) Required If either of the fields Preliminary Periodic Monthly Statement Request or Final Periodic Monthly Statement Request values are not submitted (that is, submitted as a space), this error will occur. 3/24/2014
MSD Filer Not Auth For Stmt Requested This error will occur; if the scope indicator is "A" and the A-record filer/port of the MO transaction do not match the A-record filer/port of the originally created statement(s) or if the scope indicator is a space and the B-record filer/port of the MO transaction do not match the B-record filer/port of the originally created statement(s). 3/24/2014
P00 PGA Data Missing per PGA Flag This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with no PGA data (PGxx records do not exist in the transaction), when the PGA tariff flag is set to 'Y' 1/27/2014
P01 Missing OI Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted without a commercial description in an OI Record but a PG01 Record exists. 1/27/2014
P02 Missing OI PGA Line Item Description This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes an OI Record yet there is no PGA Line Item description in the OI Record. 1/27/2014
P03 Missing PG01 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted without a PG01 Record, but an OI Record was submitted. 1/27/2014
P04 Missing PGA Line Number This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG01 Record yet no PGA Line Number is reported in the PG01 Record. 1/27/2014
P05 Missing Government Agency Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG01 Record yet no Government Agency Code was reported in the PG01 Record. 1/27/2014
P06 Missing or Invalid Govt Agency Prog Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted for which a Government Agency Program Code is not reported in the PG01 Record or if it is reported, it must be on the approved list provided by the PGA. (See document "Agency Tariff Code to Agency Program Cross Reference" located on CBP.GOV)
P07 Invalid Item Type This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with an invalid Item Type in a PG02 Record. The first PG02 Record encountered on a PGA line must have an Item Type of 'P'. If subsequent PG02 Records appear in this line, they must have an item type of 'C'. 1/27/2014
P08 Missing Intended Use Description This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with no Intended Use Description in the PG01 Record if a 980.000 Intended Use Code is reported in the PG01 Record. 1/27/2014
P09 Invalid Unit of Measure This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG04 Record, however, the Unit of Measure code reported is invalid. (For Lacey Act requirements see ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA. For non-Lacey Act requirements see ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.) 1/27/2014
P10 Missing Source Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted without a Source Type Code in the PG06 Record. 1/27/2014
P11 Invalid Source Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG06 Record however, the Source Type Code reported is not on file. (For Lacey Act requirements see ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA. For non-Lacey Act requirements see ACS ABI CATAIR Appendix C.) 1/27/2014
P12 Missing Entity Role Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG19 Record yet without an Entity Role Code. 1/27/2014
P13 Invalid Entity Role Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG19 Record however, the Entity Role code reported is not on file. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for valid codes.) 1/27/2014
P14 Missing Affirmation of Compliance Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG23 Record yet without an Affirmation of Compliance Code. 1/27/2014
P15 Invalid Affirmation of Compliance Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG23 Record with an Affirmation of Compliance Code that is not on file with FDA. 1/27/2014
P16 Missing Packaging Qualifier This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG26 Record yet without a Packaging Qualifier. 1/27/2014
P17 Invalid Packaging Qualifier This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG26 Record, however, the Packaging Qualifier is not a numeric value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. 1/27/2014
P18 Missing Container Number This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG27 Record yet without a Container Number (Equipment ID). 1/27/2014
P19 Missing INSP/LAB Testing Status Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG30 Record yet without an Inspection/Laboratory Testing Status code. 1/27/2014
P20 Invalid INSP/LAB Testing Status Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG30 Record and includes an INSP/LAB Testing Status code that is not listed in the description associated with the PG30 Record. 1/27/2014
P21 Missing Cmdty Harv Vessel Char Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG31 Record yet without a Commodity Harvesting Vessel Characteristic Type Code. 1/27/2014
P22 Invalid Cmdty Harv Vessel Char Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG31 Record however, the Commodity Harvesting Vessel Characteristic Type Code reported is not on file. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for valid codes.) 1/27/2014
P23 Missing Cmdty Routing Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG32 Record yet without a Commodity Routing Type Code. 1/27/2014
P24 Invalid Cmdty Routing Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG32 Record however, the Commodity Routing Type Code reported is not on file. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for valid codes.) 1/27/2014
P25 Missing Travel Document Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG34 Record yet without a Travel Document Type Code. 1/27/2014
P26 Invalid Travel Document Type Code This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG34 Record, however, the Travel Document Type Code is not a numeric 1, 2, 3 or 4. 1/27/2014
P27 Missing Processing Descrip with 017 This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG06 Record and a Processing Type Code of 017 in the PG06 Record yet no Processing Description is submitted. 1/27/2014
P28 Missing PG07 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG08 Record however, the transaction does not include a PG07 record. 1/27/2014
P29 Missing PG14 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG13 Record however, the transaction does not include a PG14 record. 1/27/2014
P30 Missing Cmdty Pol Subunit Routing Name This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG32 Record including a Commodity Political Subunit of Routing Qualifier however, it was reported without a Commodity Political Subunit of Routing Name. 1/27/2014
P31 Missing Cmdty Geo Area Code Or Name This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with a PG33 Record that contains no data (beyond the control identifier and record type). One of the two data elements (Commodity Geographic Area Code or Commodity Geographic Area Name) must be provided. 1/27/2014
P32 Records Not Allowed in Group This error will occur when a transaction is submitted with records within a group that are not allowed. For example, multiple PG05 and PG06 Records may follow a PG04 Record, multiple PG14 Records may follow a PG13 Record, etc. Please see Partner Government Agencies ACE ABI CATAIR chapter for further guidance on record groups. 1/27/2014
P33 Missing PG19 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG20 Record however, the transaction does not include a PG19 record. 1/27/2014
P34 Invalid Data Relationship This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG21 Record however, the transaction does not include a PG19, PG20, PG22 or PG30 record. 1/27/2014
P35 Invalid Grouping This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a grouping (PG50 - PG51 record bookends for a grouping) that appears immediately after a PG01 Record. 1/27/2014
P36 Invalid Document Identifier Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG22 Record Document Identifier that does not match one that is required based on the Government Agency Program Code as reported in the PG01 Record. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for valid codes.) 1/27/2014
P37 Missing PG24 Record Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a Document Identifier in the PG22 Record however, the transaction does not include a PG24 Record as required by the PGA. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for agency requirements.) 1/27/2014
P38 Mssng/Invld Rmk Typ Code In PG24 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes one or more PG24 Records however, none of the PG24 Records includes a Remarks Type Code as required by the PGA. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for valid codes.) 1/27/2014
P39 Missing Cmdty Harv Vessel Characteristic This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG31 Record yet without a Commodity Harvesting Vessel Characteristic. 1/27/2014
P40 Invalid PGA Profile This error will occur when a transaction is submitted and one of the following codes is inactive or invalid for the PGA pilots: Filer, Port, Agency, Agency Program Code 1/27/2014
P41 Missing Remarks Code Or Text This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes a PG24 Record and a Remarks Type Code is reported - yet neither a Remarks Code or Remarks Text are reported in the PG 24 Record. (See ACE ABI CATAIR Appendix PGA for Remarks requirements.) 1/27/2014
P42 More Than One OI Under Single HTS This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which includes more than one OI Record following an HTS code for the same PGA set of PG Records. 1/27/2014
P43 Missing PG06 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG06 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P44 Missing PG13 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG13 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P45 Missing PG14 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG14 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P46 Missing PG19 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG19 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P47 Missing PG21 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG21 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P48 Missing PG22 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG22 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P49 Missing PG30 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG30 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P50 Missing PG10 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG10 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P51 Missing PG25 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG25 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P52 Missing PG26 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG26 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P53 Missing PG29 Per PGA This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG29 record as required by the PGA. (See the appropriate PGA supplemental guidance located on the ACE ABI CATAIR CBP.GOV web page.) 1/27/2014
P54 Missing PG02 Record This error will occur when a transaction is submitted which does not include a PG02 record and no disclaimer is declared in the PG01 Record. 1/27/2014
629 Formal MPF Not Allowed - Set Component If a formal class code '499' fee has been submitted for the line but the line is a 'set component' type (pos 8 of the 40-Record = 'V'), this error will result. 1/16/2014
630 Formal MPF Not Allowed - Infrml Summary If a formal class code '499' fee has been submitted for the line but the Entry Type is an informal type (e.g., '11'), this error will result. 1/16/2014
631 Line Not Evaluated for MPF Exemption This is an informational message; not fatal. This condition may be generated in a scenario where a line's MPF exempt status cannot be determined. 1/16/2014
632 Formal MPF Not Allowed - Article Exempt If a formal class code '499' fee has been submitted for the line of a formal summary but the article is MPF exempt, this error will result. 1/16/2014
633 Formal MPF Required - Article Not Exempt If a formal class code '499' fee has not been submitted for the line of a formal summary but the article is not MPF exempt, this error will result. 1/16/2014
634 Est MPF/Calc'd MPF Mismatch - Line If a formal class code '499' fee has been submitted for the non-exempt line of a formal summary but the amount is the incorrect product of 'value times rate', this error will result. 1/16/2014
639 Formal MPF Minimum Amount Required If the system computed amount of MPF for the summary is less than or equal to the minimum MPF amount owed and if a formal class code '499' total fee has been submitted in the 89-Record but is not this minimum amount, this error will result. 1/16/2014
640 Formal MPF Maximum Amount Required If the system computed amount of MPF for the summary is equal to or greater than the maximum MPF amount owed and if a formal class code '499' total fee has been submitted in the 89-Record but is not this maximum amount, this error will result. 1/16/2014
641 Est MPF/Calc'd MPF Mismatch - Total If the system computed amount of MPF owed on the summary falls in between the minimum and maximum and if a formal class code '499' total fee has been submitted in the 89-Record, but is not this amount (within a tolerance), this error will result. 1/16/2014
642 ESV Failure <reason description> This information condition may be generated in a scenario where an internal system problem has been encountered. Note that the text may include a detailed reason. Wait a few minutes and retry/retransmit the transaction. It is possible that a system resource was temporarily unavailable. 1/16/2014
625 Duty Not Allowed - Set Component If the line item details as reported in the 40-record indicate that the line is a set component, that is, the article set indicator reported in position 8 = "V", then duty cannot be reported on this line - only on the set header (if duty applies). 1/6/2014
627 Est Duty/Calc’d Duty Mismatch - Total Each line on the entry summary should reflect the exact duty amount due based on the duty rate applicable to the tariff number. However, CBP systems allow a difference per entry summary line of up to $2.99 between the calculated duty and the amount reported by the filer. The $2.99 difference also applies to the entry summary as a whole. Individual lines may be discrepant up to $2.99, however, the entry summary will be rejected if the estimated total duty amount as reported in the 90-record, positions 3-13 is $2.99 more than or less than the amount calculated by CBP systems for all lines on the entry summary. 1/6/2014
590 Notify Party Unknown Format Designated notify (4811) party identification numbers must be in one of the acceptable formats listed in Usage Note (f) of the ACE ABI Entry Summary Create/Update chapter of the ACE ABI CATAIR. Any format other than one of those shown in this note will result in this reject. 11/12/2013
591 Notify Party Unknown The designated notify (4811) party identification number, as reported in the entry summary transaction 11 record, pos 27-38, is not an existing account in ACE as found on the ACCOUNTS tab. 11/12/2013
PGA PGA Data Rejected Partner Government Agency data as reported in PGA Message Set records (PGxx) has not been accepted. 11/12/2013
ZZZ ACE System Failure In the unlikely event that an entry summary AX response returns an indication of ACE system failure (E1-Record Condition Code = ZZZ; Narrative Text = ** ACE SYSTEM FAILURE **) the transmitter/receiver of the message should take the following actions:

1. Wait a few minutes and retry/retransmit the transaction. It is possible that a system resource was temporarily unavailable. If the retry/retransmit does not reproduce the system failure then no further action is needed.

2. If a retry/retransmit continues to result in an ACE system failure, scan/search the Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) for a recent trade notification that outlines the reason and resolution for the problem encountered.

3. If no CSMS notification has been published, within one hour, call your CBP Client Representative to report the problem and/or receive further instructions.

Note: When an ACE system failure has occurred, the transaction has NOT successfully been processed. Once the system failure reason has been resolved, the transaction must be retransmitted and successfully accepted.
001 Return Detail Request Ind Must Be Y In an Entry Summary Query, if the 'return detail request indicator' is any character except a "Y", this error will result.
002 Case Number Missing THIS ERROR CONDITION DOES NOT FUNCTION, AS OF JAN 2013. In an AD/CVD Query, if the Q1 record is used in the query, there must be at least 7 characters in the Q1 record. If fewer than 7 characters are transmitted in the case number field, this error will result. THIS CONDITION HAS NOT BEEN PROGRAMMED AS OF JAN 2013.
002 Query Request Missing In an Entry Summary Query, if the J0 record is used, it must be followed by a J1 record. If the J1 record is omitted, this error will result.
003 Case Number Not Found for Query In an AD/CVD Query, the case number reported in the Q2 record is not found on the AD/CVD database.
003 Entry Filer Code Missing In a Census Warning Query, the CJ1 record must contain a filer code in pos 20-22
003 Entry Filer Code Missing In an Entry Summary Query, the J1 record must contain a filer code in pos 6-8.
004 Company Case Status Unknown In an AD/CVD Query, the case status, Q2 record, pos 4, must be transmitted. If this field is left blank, this error will result.
004 Entry Number Missing In a Census Warning Query, if no date range is transmitted, an entry number is required in pos 25-32 (if only one entry is being queried)
004 Entry Number Missing In an Entry Summary Query, the J1 record must contain an entry number in pos 11-18.
005 Country Code Unknown If the Q2 record in an AD/CVD Query, contains an invalid ISO country code in pos 6-7, this error will result.
005 Criteria QueryType Code Missing In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record must show one of the valid 'criteria query type code' values in pos 4-6. If the field is left blank, this error will result.
006 Criteria QueryType Code Unknown In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record must show one of the valid 'criteria query type code' values in pos 4-6. If any three character code other than the ones listed for this field are transmitted, this error will result.
006 Entry Summary Not Found for Query In a Census Warning Query, the entry number queried was not found in ACE.
006 HTS Number Unknown In an AD/CVD Query, the Q2 record has a tariff number that is not found on the HSAL database.
007 No Unrslved Warnings Found For Summary In a Census Warning Query, the entry number queried did not have any unresolved Census Warnings.
007 TSUSA Number Unknown In an AD/CVD Query, this refers to the old tariff numbers…may not be valid any longer.
007 Request From Date Time Missing In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record has a field for a range of dates for which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested From Date/Time' is omitted, this error will result.
008 HTS and TSUSA Number Not Allowed In an AD/CVD Query, this refers to the old tariff numbers…may not be valid any longer.
008 Request From Date Time Unknown In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record has a field for a range of dates for which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested From Date/Time' is not transmitted as specified in the description record for this element, this error will result.
009 Manufacturer ID Code Unknown In an AD/CVD query, MID provided in the Q2 record contains an MID that is not found on the MID database.
009 Requested From Date Missing In a Census Warning Query, the CJ1 record, if the filer transmits a 'requested to' date, a 'requested from' date is required.
009 Requested To Date Time Missing In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record has a field for a range of dates for which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested To Date/Time' is omitted, this error will result.
010 Foreign Exporter ID Code Unknown In a AD/CVD Query, the Q2 record contains an MID for the foreign exporter and the MID is not found on the MID database.
010 Requested From Date Unknown In a Census Warning Query, the 'requested from' date must be a valid date in MMDDYY format.
010 Requested To Date Time Unknown In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record has a field for a range of dates for which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested To Date/Time' is not transmitted as specified in the description record for this element, this error will result.
011 Additional Query Criteria Required If an AD/CVD Query input record reports the Q2 record with one of the valid company case status codes in pos 4, at least one more of the conditional fields is required in the Q2 record.
011 Requested To Date < Requested From Date In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record allows the filer to make a query for a range of dates in which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested To Date/Time' is prior to the 'Requested From Date/Time', this error will result.
011 Requested To Date Missing In a Census Warning Query, if the CJ1 record transmits a 'requested from' date, a 'requested to' date is required.
012 Date Range Day Limit Exceeded In an Entry Summary Query, the number of days between the 'from' and 'to' date range is limited to 31 days. If a 'to' date is transmitted that exceeds 31 days, this error will result.
012 Date Since Last Update Unknown In an AD/CVD Query, the 'date since last update' field must be a valid calendar date in MMDDYY format.
012 Requested To Date Unknown In a Census Warning Query, the 'requested to' date must be a valid date in MMDDYY format.
013 Date Range Exceeds Query Limit In an AD/CVD Query, the 'date since last update' field cannot be earlier than 7 calendar days preceding the date the query was transmitted to ACE.
013 Entry Summary Not Found for Query In an Entry Summary Query, the entry number queried is not on the ACE database. This can mean that either the entry has never been persisted in ACE or that the entry was filed in ACS.
013 Requested To Date < Requested From Date In an Census Warning Query, the CJ1 record allows the filer to make a query for a range of dates in which the query is to be applied. If the 'Requested To Date' is prior to the 'Requested From Date', this error will result.
014 Query Complete No AD/CVD Cases Found In an AD/CVD query, there were no cases found for the tariff/country listed in the AD input record
014 Query Not Permitted for Entry Number In an Entry Summary Query, if the J1 record is used, at least one entry number being queried must be from the same filer code as transmitted in the B record for the query.
015 Entry District/Port Unknown In a Census Warning Query, the CJ1 record must contain a valid DDPP (listed on RDPL) in pos 4-7.
015 Query Complete No Summaries Found In an Entry Summary Query, if there are no summaries that satisfy the conditions transmitted in the J2 record, this message will be issued.
016 Output Limit Reached - Addtnl ES Found In an Entry Summary Query, if the J2 record is used for the query and the query results yield more than 5000 entries, this message will be generated.
016 Query Complete - No Summaries Found In a Census Warning Query, there were no summaries found for the filer code in pos 20-22.
017 Future Requested To Date Not Allowed In an Entry Summary Query, the J2 record field 'requested to date/time' cannot be a date later than the transmission date of the query.
100 Importer Nbr Missing If the importer of record number is blank in the 11 record, pos 3-14, this error will result.
101 Importer Unknown The importer of record number, 11 record, pos 3-14, is not on the importer file in the ACCOUNTS tab.
102 Importer Nbr Unknown Format Importer numbers must be in one of the acceptable formats listed in Usage Note (f) of the ACE ABI Entry Summary Create/Update chapter of the ACE ABI CATAIR. Any format other than one of those shown in this note will result in this reject.
103 Importer Nbr Ineligible If importer of record number 00-000000000 or 000-00-0000 is transmitted, this error will result.
104 Importer Void If the importer of record number in the 11 record, pos 3-14, has a status of 'voided', this error will result.
105 Ult Consignee Nbr Unknown Format The ultimate consignee number must be in one of the acceptable formats. If any other formats are used, or if any characters other than alpha or numerics are used, this error will result. Note: encrypted IRS or SSN numbers are not accepted in an AE transaction.
106 Ultimate Consignee Void If the ultimate consignee number, as reported in either the 11 record or the 47 record, shows 'void' on the SRE file, this error will result.
108 Format Req's A Known Ult Consignee The 11 record, pos 15-26, is used to report the ultimate consignee for an entry summary. The number provided in this field must be active in the importer database. If the number is not on file, this error will result.
109 Entry Port Req's a Known Consignee The consignee number in the 11 record must be on file in the importer database. If it is not, this error will result.
110 Notify Format Cannot Be Used If the filer elects to report a CBPF 4811 relationship by transmitting the broker's identification data in the 11 record, pos 27-38, one of the acceptable formats must be used. If the format of nnnn-nnnnn (old CBP assigned format) is transmitted, this error will result.
111 Importer Inactive The importer of record number, 11 record, pos 3-14, is listed as inactive on the importer file in the ACCOUNTS tab.
112 Bond Type Code Must Be 8 or 9 The bond type code is transmitted in the 31 record, pos 3. Only types 8 and 9 can be transmitted in this field. Any other letter or number will generate this error.
113 No continuous bond found for importer If the bond portlet under the Accounts tab does not indicate a continuous bond for the importer of record on an entry summary, this error will result.
114 No Valid Continuous Bond Found If bond type 8 is transmitted in the 31 record, pos 3, a valid continuous bond must be on file for the importer of record with the surety code reported in the 31 record. If no bond is on file, this error will result.
115 Continuous Bond Not Yet Effective If the continuous bond for the importer of record is not effective as of the duty comp date for the entry, this error will result.
116 Continuous Bond Insufficient The bond for the importer of record has been coded as insufficient by the NFC.
117 Continuous Bond Has Terminated The bond for the importer of record has expired or been terminated as of the duty comp date transmitted in this entry transaction.
118 RLF Requires Continous Bond RLF entries require type 8 bond coverage. If the filer transmits bond type 9 (or zero), or omits the 31 record entirely, this error will result.
119 Bond Detail Missing - Entry Type If an entry type is one that requires a bond, there must be a 31 record transmitted to report the bond details.
120 Bond Detail Not Allowed - Bond Waived If a bond waiver has been requested ("0" in pos 38 of the 10 record), then no bond information is permitted in the form of a 31 record. If a 31 record is included in the AE transaction, this error will result.
122 Bond Waiver Ind Must Be 0 The bond waiver field replaced the bond type indicator in the 10 record, pos 8. If any code other than 0 is sent in the 10 record, pos 38, this error will result.
123 Bond Amount Contains Non-Numerics The bond amount is transmitted in the 31 record, pos 3-12. Only numerics can be sent in this field. (will change when A2.3.1a goes live)
125 Est Entry Date Not a Known Date The estimated entry date is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 42-47. It must be transmitted in MMDDYY format. If the date transmitted does not conform to this format, this error will result.
126 STB Account Not Allowed for Bond Type If the filer indicates a continuous bond ("8" in pos 3 of the 31 record), bond producer account data is not allowed in pos 19-28 of that record.
128 Import Date is Not a Known Date The import date is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 48-53 It must be transmitted in MMDDYY format. If the date transmitted does not conform to this format, this error will result.
129 Live Entry Ind Must Be Y The live entry indicator is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 44. ACE will only accept a "Y" in this field. Any other character will result in this reject.
130 Bnd Waiver Reason Not Allowed-Not Waived If the bond waiver reason code is transmitted in pos 62-64 of the 10 record, and there is no bond waiver request ('0' in pos 38 of the 10 record), this error will result.
131 Shipment Usage Code Must be P or X The usage code for personal cargo or samples is transmitted by providing a "P" or an "X" in the 10 record, pos 43. Any other character in this field will generate this error.
132 State of Destination Missing The state of destination is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 61-62. If this field is left blank, this error will result.
133 State of Destination Unknown The state of destination is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 61-62. If this field does not contain a valid, 2-character U.S. state code, this error will result.
134 Def Tax Ind Must Be 1 or 2 The deferred tax indicator is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 45. The only acceptable indicator is a "1" or "2". Any other character in this field will result in this reject message.
137 Surety Code Missing When the surety code is required, it must be transmitted in the 31 record, pos 6-8. If the entry type and bond type require a surety code and one is not transmitted, this error will result.
138 Surety Code Unknown The surety code reported in the 31 record, pos 6-8, does not appear as a valid surety code on the surety database.
139 Bond Waiver Code Missing If bond type 0 is transmitted in the 31 record, pos 3, a valid "bond waiver reason code" must be transmitted in pos 62-64 of the 10 record.
140 Bond Waiver Reason Code Unknown The bond waiver reason code, 10 record, pos 62-64, must be one of the allowable codes listed in table 4 of the ACE CATAIR.
141 Bond Waiver Not Allowed -Ent Type Bond waivers are only valid for specific entry types. Usage Note "i)" in the ACE ABI CATAIR specifies the conditions and entry types that permit a request for a bond waiver (10 record, pos 38). If the entry type does not permit a bond waiver, this error will result.
147 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Allwd-Consolidated If an AE input contains one or more 32 records with entry numbers that have been previously released, the instant AE cannot be certified for cargo release (10 record, "Y" in pos 40), as the AE is merely reporting a consolidated summary for entries already released. This error will also occur if no 32 records are included, but the cargo release indicator is present in pos 40.
151 Missing Document Code Unknown The missing document indicator(s) is transmitted in the 33 record, pos 3-4 and 5-6 (if necessary). Only specific two character codes will be accepted in this field. If other codes are transmitted, this error will result. See Table 7 of the ACE ABI CATAIR for allowable codes
152 Missing Document Duplicate Encountered If a missing document code is reported in the 33 record, that code cannot be reported in both pos 3-4 and 5-6.
153 1st Missing Document Code Cannot Be 99 If missing document(s) are reported in the 33 record, the first code must represent one of the missing documents listed in Table 4 or code 98 (other document not listed). The second code, if applicable, be another missing document, or code 98, or code 99 (more than two documents missing. However code 99 cannot be transmitted in pos 3-4 as the 'first missing document'.
154 Continuous Bond Req for Reconciliation An import entry being flagged for any type of reconciliation entry must provide a continuous bond indicator ("8") in the 10 record, pos 38.
155 Reconciliation Issue Unknown Reconciliation issues are identified in the 10 record, pos 47-49, using one of the 7 prescribed codes listed in the ACE CATAIR. If any code other than an allowable code is transmitted in this field, this error will result.
157 NAFTA Recon Ind Must Be Y The request for a free-trade recon posting to an AE is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 46. The only acceptable indicator is a "Y". If any other character is used in this field, this error will result.
158 Entry Summary Already Reconciled A reconciliation issue code has been transmitted on an eligible import entry, but that entry has already been reconciled on a type 09 entry.
159 NAFTA Recon Not Allowed - Entry Type A free trade reconciliation code was transmitted in pos 47-49 of the 10 record, but the entry type is not one that can be used to report an FTA reconciliation code.
160 Other Recon Not Allowed - Entry Type A reconciliation code was transmitted in pos 47-49 of the 10 record, but the entry type does not permit reporting a request for a reconciliation action.
165 MOT Code Unknown The MOT is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 36-37. Only codes listed in Table 3 of the ACE CATAIR are allowed in this field. If a code not listed in Table 3 is transmitted in this field, this error will result.
166 Unlading D/P Unknown The port of unlading is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 7-10. The port code reported must be a valid port code which supports cargo processing. If a port code is not valid for the MOT reported in the 10 record, pos 36-37, this error will result.
167 Unlading D/P Required for MOT If the MOT in the 10 record, pos 36-37 is ocean/rail/air, a valid Schedule D port code is required in the 20 record, pos 7-10.
168 Unlading D/P Not a Cargo Port The port code for the port listed in the 20 record, pos 7-10, as the port of unlading is not operational as an unlading port in the RDP file.
169 Unlading D/P Not a Vessel Cargo Port The port of unlading in the 20 record, pos 7-10, is not valid for ocean shipments.
170 Unlading D/P Not an Air Cargo Port The port of unlading in the 20 record, pos 7-10, is not valid for air shipments.
171 Est Arrival Date Not Known Date The estimated arrival date is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 11-16. If a valid date in mmddyy format is not transmitted in this field, this error will result.
172 Firms Code Unknown The FIRMS code transmitted in the 20 record, pos 17-20, is not listed in the Facility Operator section of the Accounts tab as an entity.
174 FIRMS Not a Cargo Location The FIRMS code, transmitted in the 20 record, pos 17-20, is not a cargo location. Customs' offices or administrative sites are not permitted to be used as reportable FIRMS locations.
175 FIRMS Not an Active Facility The FIRMS code transmitted in the 20 record, pos 17-20, is not on file in ACE as an active location.
176 Carrier Code Missing A carrier code is required for air/ocean shipments. If the 20 record, pos 3-6 is left blank for MOT air or ocean, this error will result.
177 Carrier Code Unknown If the carrier code field on the 20 record, pos 3-6, is not found on the CARL file, or is omitted entirely, this error will result.
178 Carrier Code Unknown Format If the MOT is other than vessel or air, and the carrier code in the 20 record, pos 3-6, contains spaces between any of the transmitted characters (alpha or numeric), this error will result.
179 Carrier Not Known IATA Code The carrier code, transmitted in the 20 rec, pos 3-4 does not represent an air carrier that is listed on the CARL file read by ACE. If the code does appear in CARL, check the CARS record to determine if the expiration date of the code is in the past.
180 Vessel Code Not Allowed for MOT The vessel code, which applies only to ocean vessels and is also known as the Lloyd's code, is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 41-47. If the MOT transmitted in the 10 record, pos 36-37, is OTHER than 10 or 11, this error will result if a vessel code is transmitted.
181 Conveyance Name Missing For ocean shipments, a conveyance name is required in the 20 record, pos 21-40. If the name is omitted, this error will result.
182 Bnd Waiver Reason Not Allowed-Ent Type Bond waiver reason codes are only valid for specific entry types. Usage Note "i)" in the ACE ABI CATAIR specifies the conditions and entry types that permit a request for a bond waiver (10 record, pos 38). If the entry type does not permit a bond waiver, a bond waiver reason code is similarly not permitted. If one is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 62-64, this error will result.
183 Manifest Detail Required for MOT If the MOT in the 10 record, pos 36-37 is ocean/rail/air, an appropriate bill of lading, air waybill, rail bill, etc is required to be reported in the 23 record. If that data is omitted, this error will result.
184 Manifest Detail Not Allowed W/O MOT If an acceptable MOT (see Table 3 of the ACE CATAIR) is not reported in the 10 record, manifest detail information is not allowed to be reported in the 23 record.
186 Mnfst Component Typ Must Be I, H, M, or S The manifest component type is transmitted in the 23 record, pos 3. Only four alpha characters are authorized for this field. If any character other than I, M, H, or S is transmitted, this error will result.
187 Mfst Components Out of Seq or Dup A manifest component cannot be repeated with the same manifest component grouping of a 22 record plus up to 4 23 records. (cannot report the same bill number or the same inbond number more than once). If the component is duplicated, this error will result. Also, the sequence of data elements must be reported per note 1 for the 23 record.
188 Unlad DP Cannot = Entry DP for Inbond If the 23 record reports an inbond number (code "I" in pos 3), the unlading port (20 record, pos 7-10) cannot be the same as the port of entry (10 record, pos 18-21).
189 In-Bnd/Trn Date Not a Known Date The inbond date is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 52-57. If it is not in MMDDYY format and represents a valid date on the calendar, this error will result.
190 Import Date Cannot Be > In-Bnd/Trn Date The import date is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 48-53 After the export date, it must be the earliest date reported of all the dates transmitted in the summary. If the inbond date, for example, is earlier than the import date, this error will result.
192 In-Bnd/Trn Dt Cannot Be > 2 Yrs In Past The inbond date reported in the 20 record, pos 52-57, cannot be more than 2 years earlier than the transmission date of the AE to CBP.
193 Multiple Continuous Bonds Not Allowed If the ACE entry has a 31 record with bond type 8, a second 31 record, if transmitted, cannot use bond type 8 again.
194 Dsgntd Exam Site Unknown The DES is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 48-51. This field must be a valid U.S. CBP port code, listed in Sched K. If a port code in this field is not a valid Sch K code, this error will result.
196 Dsgntd Exam Site Not Allowed-Not RLF The filer has transmitted a designated exam site in the 20 record, pos 48-51. If the entry summary is not an RLF entry summary, this error will occur.
197 Payment Type Code Unknown Valid payment type codes, 10 record, pos 51, are 1 through 8. Any other code in this field will generate this error.
199 Prelim Stmt Date Not Allowed If the payment type indicator in the 10 record, pos 51 is a "1", then the payment date field, pos 52-57, must be blank. If a payment date is included in this field with a payment type code of "1", this error will result.
200 Periodic Stmt Month Not Allowed If the payment type indicator in the 10 record, pos 51 is other than 6, 7, or 8, the payment month field, pos 58-59 of the 10 record must be blank. If any data is transmitted in this field, this error will result.
201 Stmt Client Branch Not Allowed If the 'branch' indicator on the filer's ABE record is not set to "y", inclusion of a branch indicator in the 10 record, pos 60-61, will cause this error. ACE uses the port code in the B record to make this determination.
202 Prelim Stmt Date Missing If the filer transmits a payment type other than 1 in the 10 record, pos 51, a statement print date is required in pos 52-57. If that date is omitted, this error will result.
203 Prelim Stmt Date Not a Known Date The preliminary statement date is transmitted in mmddyy format. Any other format will cause this error.
204 Prelim Stmt Date is Sat, Sun, or Hol The statement print date, transmitted in the 10 record, pos 52-57, cannot be on a Saturday, Sunday or designated federal holiday. Local holidays will also generate this error.
205 Prelim Stmt Date Must be in Future The preliminary payment print date, transmitted in the 10 record, pos 52-57, must be at least one business day in the future. If the date is in the past or equal to the transmission date of the summary, this error will result.
206 Prelim Stmt Date > 90 Days in Future The statement print date, transmitted in the 10 record, pos 52-57, cannot be more than 90 days in the future, as compared to the system transmission date.
207 Statement Processing Not Authorized The filer's ACS ABE record has not been updated to operational status for statement processing.
209 Periodic Statement Requires ACE Filer 10 rec, pos 51, contains the payment type indicator. If type 6, 7, or 8 is used, the filer (broker or importer) must be a PMS participant.
210 Periodic Stmt Requires ACE Importer 10 rec, pos 51, contains the payment type indicator. If type 6, 7, or 8 is used, the importer of record in the 11 rec, pos 3-14, must be a PMS participant.
211 Periodic Stmt Month Missing If a filer elects to use PMS for an AE submission, the requested payment month must be transmitted in pos 58-59 of the 10 record. If payment type 6, 7, or 8 is transmitted in pos 51, and no payment month is included, this error will result.
212 Periodic Statement Month Unknown The month of statement payment for a PMS statement is transmitted in the 10 record, pois 58-59. That field must indicate "01" through "12". Any other code in that field will generate this error.
213 Periodic Stmt Month Too Far Into Future The periodic statement month is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 58-59. This field requires a two-numeric month indicator (01 through 12). The month selected can be no further into the future than two months following the month of the release.
214 STB Amount Not Allowed for Bond Type f the filer indicates a continuous bond ("B" in pos 3 of the 31 record), the STB amount field (pos 19-28 of the 31 record) must be blank.
215 Prelim Stmt Day > Periodic Stmt Day If the filer transmits a periodic statement print date that is after the date that the periodic monthly statement will generate for the statement month requested, this error will result.
216 Prelim Stmt for Date Already Produced If the AE contains a statement print date (10 record, pos 52-57) that is equal to or earlier than the date of transmission of the AE, this error will result.
217 Pymt Info Not Allwd - Post Pymnt Corrctn Once an ACE entry summary has been paid in via statement/ACH acceptance, a retransmission of the summary cannot reference any data in the statement payment fields (cannot use any payment type nor any date in the payment date field) This error will also occur if an ACE summary is rejected by CBP prior to the scheduled payment date.
218 Estimated Entry Dt Cannot Be > Stmt Dt The estimated entry date is transmitted in the 11 record, pos 42-47. This date cannot be later than the statement print date, transmitted in the 10 record, pos 52-57.
219 Stmt Client Branch Missing If the filer's ABE profile is set to "Y" in the branch field, a branch indicator is always required in the 10 record, pos 60-61. If the branch indicator is omitted, this error will result.
220 Elec Invoice Indicator Must Be Y The indicator that the filer is submitting an electronic entry is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 41. The only acceptable value for this field is a "Y". Any other character will cause this error.
222 Elec Invoice Requires Summary on Stmt An ACE entry summary which reports a Y in pos 41 of the 10 record, indicating an electronic entry, must be scheduled for statement (ACH) processing in pos 51 of the 10 record. If a '1' is transmitted in pos 51 for such an entry, this error will result. If the entry is a PSC filing, the requirement for an electronic entry to be scheduled for ACH is waived and position 51 of the 10 record must be blank.
223 Cont Superseded Bond Ind Not Allowed If a filer wishes to report a superseding continuous bond, the indicator to be transmitted for this purpose is "Y" in pos 5 of the 31 record. Any other character in this field will generate this reject message.
224 Elec Invoice Requires Continuous Bond If an AE has a "y" in pos 41 of the 10 record, indicating an electronic entry, a continuous bond must be obligated. If the 10 record, pos 38, does not show "8", this error will result.
225 Elec Invoice Not Allowed - Ent D/P Not AII The transmitted port of entry is not eligible for EIP or RLF processing.
226 Elec Invoice Not Allowed - Filer Not AII The filer's ABE record was not set to operational for AII prior to the transmission of an AE with "y" in pos 41 of the 10 record.
227 Correction Requires Elec Invoice If an ACE entry summary which has been accepted by CBP is an electronic entry, any further transmissions of that entry number must include a 42 record with an invoice number. If the AE is transmitted without a 42 record, this error will result.
228 Consolidated Summ Ind Must Be Y A consolidated entry summary is indicated by an indicator in the 10 record, pos 42. The only acceptable value for this field is a "Y". Any other indicator will cause this reject.
232 Release Detail Missing If the AE has a "Y" in pos 42 of the 10 record, indicating that this summary is a consolidated summary, there must be at least one 32 record listing at least two entry numbers.
233 Release Detail Not Allowed If a 32 record is included in an entry summary and pos 42 of the 10 record is not transmitted with a "Y", this error will result.
234 Rlse Entry Filer Code Missing A consolidated entry is reported in the 32 record. The filer code of the entry is required for each entry number reported. If the filer code is omitted, this error will result.
235 Rlse Entry Number Missing Entry numbers reported as part of a consolidated summary are listed in the 32 record. The filer code of each release must be accompanied by the actual entry number. If a release filer code is transmitted without the associated entry number, this error will result.
236 Rlse Entry Filer Not = Cnsldtd Filer Released entries reported in the 32 record must have the same filer code as the filer of the consolidated summary. If a different filer code is reported in any of the 'filer code' fields in the 32 record, this error will result.
237 Rlse Entry Not Previously Established If a consolidated entry is indicated in the 10 record, pos 42, any entry numbers listed in the 32 record must be on file in ACE has having a release associated with that entry number(s). If there is no release on file for the listed entry number(s), this error will result.
239 Rlse Entry Nbr = To Cnsldtd Ent Nbr Consolidated entries must use a different entry number from any of the consolidated releases reported in the 32 record. If the entry numbers are the same, this error will result.
240 Bond Amount Cannot Be $0 The bond amount for a single transaction bond is transmitted in the 31 record, pos 9-18. That field cannot reflect zero as the bond amount.
241 Rlse Entry Not A Release The 32 record lists one or more entry numbers that have not been established in the cargo selectivity file to be reviewed for a release.
246 Cont Superseded Bond Ind Must Be Y If the filer wishes to report a superseding bond, pos 5 of the 31 record must be "Y". If no superseding bond is reported, the position should be space filled. If any character other than a "Y" is transmitted in pos 5, this error will result.
248 Acct Class Code Missing If a fee is reported at the header level for the AE input (informal entry fee, for example), in a 34 record, the 89 record for the same accounting code is required. If the 89 record omits the code used in the 34 record, this error will result.
249 Acct Class Code Unknown Classification codes for fees are reported in the appropriate record (34, 62, and 89). The class code must be a valid, pre-established code. If a code that is not currently on file is used in one of these records, this error will result.
250 Acct Class Code Not Allowed Certain fee class codes must be reported in the 62 record and others are reported in the 34 record. If a code that is reportable only in the 34 record is reported in a 62 record, or vice versa, this error will result. Further, if the same class code is reported twice (identical 62 records, e.g.) this error will also be generated. Also, if the fee is not reportable due to exemptions that exist (LDDC, NAFTA country), this error will be issued if the fee is reported.
252 User Fee Amount Missing If a header level (34 record) fee code is transmitted, but the fee amount is left blank, this error will result.
253 User Fee Amount Contains Non-Numerics If spaces are sent in a user fee field, this error will result. Only numeric characters are allowed.
254 Duplicate Account Class Encountered The same accounting class code (for fees) cannot appear in the 89 record more than once. In the AE that caused this reject, the filer sent 000 in the entire record, so ACE read each set of 000 that appeared in the 2nd and subsequent class code fields(pos 17-19,31-33, etc) as a duplicate fee class code.
258 Manifest Qty Must Be > Zero If the field for quantity is completed in the 22 record, pos 3-10, it must be a whole number greater than zero.
259 Manifest Qty Missing For an MOT that requires manifest quantity reporting, the 22 record, pos 3-10, must reflect a quantity (greater than zero). If the field is left blank, this error will result.
260 Manifest Qty UOM Missing If any quantity is transmitted in the 22 record, a unit of measure for that quantity is required in pos 11-15.
261 In-Bnd/Trn Dt Req'd with In-Bnd/Trn Nbr If the 23 record reports an inbond number (code "I" in pos 3), an inbond origination date is required. This is transmitted in the 20 record, pos 52-57. If the date is omitted, this error will result.
262 In-Bnd/Trn Dt Not Allowed W/O In-Bnd Nbrs If the filer transmits an inbond date in the 20 record, pos 52-57, there must be a 23 record with manifest component type I and a valid inbond number. If the inbond number is omitted, this error will result.
263 Payment Type Code Missing All AE entry summaries must indicate a payment type code in the 10 record, pos 51. If this field is blank, this error will result.
264 Manifest Qty Contains Non-Numerics The quantity field in the 22 record, pos 3-10, can only include numeric characters.
265 Bond amount missing If a type '9' bond is transmitted, the 31 record must include the amount of the single transaction bond in pos 9-18. If that field is blank or zero filled, this error will result.
266 Bond Designation Must Be A or B The 31 record transmits bond information, including whether the bond is a basic bond ('b") for the entry or an additional bond ("a") for AD/CVD requirements. Any code besides 'a' or 'b' will reject with this error.
267 Continuous Bond Must Be for Basic Use If a continuous bond is reported in the 31 record, its bond designation type code must be "B", for basic. A continuous bond cannot be reported as an additional bond, code "A".
268 STB Must be Designated Additional If the filer elects to report two 31 records, one must be designated for additional bond coverage (code A in pos 4). If two 31 records are transmitted with code "B" in pos 4, this error will result.
269 Basic Bond Missing For entry types which require a bond, at least one 31 record is required and must reference 'bond designation type code" B. If only one 31 record transmitted in the AE and does not reference code "B", this error will result.
270 Cnsldtn Not Allowed - PSC A PSC filing is not permitted to include a list of consolidated entry releases in a 32 record.
271 Cargo Rlse Cert Not Allowed PSC A post entry summary correction (PSC) cannot be transmitted with a certification for cargo release in the 10 record, pos 40.
272 Live Ind Not Allowed - PSC A PSC filing cannot include the 'live' entry indicator in the 10 record, pos 44.
275 Accelerated Liq Req Ind Unknown A request for accelerated liquidation on a PSC can only be a "Y". Any other character in this field (10 record, pos 66) will cause this reject.
276 Accelerated Liq Req Ind Not Allowed A conventional ACE entry summary cannot have any data in position 66 of the 10 record. This is reserved for use in a PSC.
277 PSC Filing Explanation Not Allowed A conventional ACE entry summary cannot include a 36-record (the PSC filing explanation). This is reserved for use in a PSC submission.
278 Header PSC Code Unknown A PSC was transmitted with a header reason code not found in Table 14 of the ACE Entry Summary Create/Update chapter of the ACE CATAIR.
279 Hdr PSC Code Duplicate Encountered A PSC filing has reported two or more identical header reason codes.
280 FIRMS Not Allowed - PSC A Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code is not permitted to be included in a PSC transaction.
281 Enttype No Chng - PSC Reas Not Allowed A PSC was transmitted with the same entry type as the conventional entry but included a reason code for a change to the entry type (H01/H03)
282 Enttype Changed - PSC Reason Missing A PSC transaction has changed the entry type, but no header reason code has been included in the PSC transaction.
283 Hdr Changed - PSC Reasons Missing A PSC transaction changed one or more header elements and no 35 record was included to report one of the header change reason codes.
284 Header PSC Reasons Not Allowed A conventional ACE entry summary cannot report PSC Header reason codes (35 record).
287 PSC Filing Explanation Missing A PSC was transmitted without an explanation for the change being included via the 36 record.
400 Line Item(s) Missing If the summary action filing request code in the 10 record, pos 3 is 'a' or 'r', line item data is required, starting in the 40 record. If no line item data is provided, this error will result.
402 Line Item Identifier Missing Each 40 record must have a unique identifier, in pos 5-7. If the line item identifier is missing, this error will result.
403 Article Set Ind Must Be X or V The indicator for a set is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 8. The only acceptable indicators are "X" or "V". If another character is transmitted in this field, this error will result.
404 Set Component Not Preceded by Set Hdr If line item details reported in the 40 record, pos 8 with a "v" are transmitted without a preceding 40 record with an "x" in pos 8, this error will result. There cannot be two or more "v" lines without an "x" line before the first "v" line.
405 Prev Set Incomplete;Component Missing If a tariff line is identified as a set header ("x" in 40 record, pos 8), the next tariff line must repeat the tariff number and use identifier "v" in pos 8. If the 2nd tariff line omits the "v" in the 40 record, this error will result.
406 First Set Component/Header Mismatch The tariff number transmitted in the first "V"-indicated 50 record is not the same number as reported in the "X"-indicated 50 record which precedes the first V line.
407 Country of Origin Missing The country of origin must be transmitted in the 40 record, pos 9-10. If it is omitted, this error will result.
408 Country of Origin Unknown If the country of origin is reported in pos 9-10 of the 40 record using any data other than a valid ISO country code, this error will result.
409 Restricted Country If the country of origin, transmitted in the 40 record, pos 9-10, is coded as 'restricted' on the ACE country file, this error will result.
410 Country of Export Missing If the 40 record, pos 11-12 is blank, this error will result.
411 Country of Export Unknown If the country of export transmitted in the 40 record, pos 11-12, is not one of the valid ISO country codes, this error will result. Note that Canadian province codes are NOT valid for country of export reporting, nor is "US". Also occurs if c/e is "**"
413 Origin Country Cannot Be Unknown If the country of origin is transmitted as "**", and the country of export is also not a valid ISO country code, this error will result.
415 Related Party Ind Must Be Y or N The related party indicator is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 56. The indicator is required for entry type 01. If the field is left blank on entry type 01, this error will result.
416 Trade Agree/Spec Pgm Claim Cd Unknown Trade Agreements or Special Program indicators are transmitted in the 40 record, pos 25-26. Only codes published with tariff numbers may be transmitted in this field. If other codes are sent, this error will result.
418 Export Date Missing The export date is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 11-12. If that date is omitted for an entry type that requires an export date, this error will result.
419 Export Date Not a Known Date The date of export is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 13-18 and must be in MMDDYY format. If the date is not in this format and is a valid date on the calendar, this error will result.
420 Export Dt Cannot Be > In-Bnd/Trn Dt The date of export transmitted in the 40 record, pos 13-18 cannot be greater than (that is, cannot be later than) the date of any reported inbond number in the 20 record, pos 52-57.
421 Gross Shp Wgt Contains Non-numerics Gross shipping weight is transmitted in the 40 record, pos42-51. If this field is left blank, this error will result. Zeroes can be transmitted if gross shipping weight does not apply to the entry, but the field cannot be space filled.
422 FTA Ned Cost Ind Must Be Y If a FTA net cost claim is made, the 40 record, pos 57, must be a "Y". Any other character will generate this error.
423 Fee Exemption Code Must Be 1 or 2 The indicator which claims exemption from a fee is transmitted in the 40 record, pos 58. The only acceptable indicators are a 1 or a 2. Any other character transmitted in this field will cause this rejection.
424 Charges Contains Non-Numerics Charges are transmitted in the 40 record, pos 27-36. Only numeric characters are permitted in this field. If any other character is transmitted, this error will result.
425 Category Code unknown 40 rec, pos 52-54 requires a valid textile category from the HTS file. If a category number not shown on the HSA record for the tariff number is transmitted, this error will result.
426 Export Date Cannot Be > Import Date The date of export transmitted in the 40 record, pos 13-18 cannot be later (greater than) the date of import in the 11 record, pos 48-53.
427 Export Date Cannot Be > Flr Ent Date If the entry date has been revised by an ACS 'DN' transaction, the AE entry summary date of export cannot be greater (later than) the revised entry filer date.
428 Foreign port unknown 40 rec, pos 37-41 requires a valid sch K port code. If a code that is not on the Sch K list is transmitted, this error will result.
429 Foreign Port Req'd for MOT Ocean shpments require a Sch K foreign port of lading to be reported in the 40 record, pos 37-41. If this field is omitted for MOT 10 or 11, this error will result.
430 Textile Export Date Not a Known Date The textile export date, 40 record, pos 19-24, must be a valid date in MMDDYY format.
431 Tariff/Value/Quantity Detail Missing For every 40 record transmitted, there must be at least one 50 record to report a tariff number, value and quantity.
432 HTS Nbr Missing If the 50 record, pos 3-12, is blank, this error will result.
433 HTS Nbr Unknown The tariff number reported in the 50 record, pos 3-12, is not on file in the tariff database. If the tariff number is 8 digits, the last two positions of this record must be space filled.
434 HTS Number Not Active The tariff number reported in the 50 record, pos 3-12, is not on file in the tariff database as of the duty comp date used in the summary (estimated entry, etc).
436 Duplicate HTS Number Encountered Each 50 record must report a unique HTS number for a given line. If a tariff number is repeated in a 50 record, this error will result. Note: this does not apply to chapter 9802 numbers for commodities such as watches or clocks, but the 9802 HTS cannot be transmitted in consecutive 50 records
437 Value Contains Non-Numerics The value of an article is reported in the 50 record, pos 25-34. If this field contains spaces in any position, this error will result.
438 Duty Contains Non-Numerics The duty amount reported in the 50 record(s), pos 14-23, must reflect only numeric characters. Any other character will cause this error. Also, if a space is transmitted between two numeric characters or before or after a numeric, this error will result.
440 Quantity Contains Non-Numerics The quantity field(s) in the 50 record (pos 36-47, 51-62, and 66-77), can only include numeric characters.
446 Invoice Detail Missing If the entry summary reports code "Y" in pos 41 of the 10 record, ACE will expect the related invoice data to be reported in the 42 record. If no 42 record is provided, this error will result.
447 Invoice Detail Not Allowed If the entry summary is not coded as an electronic summary ('y' in position 41 of the 10 record), the filer may not include a 42 record, "invoice line reference detail".
448 Invoice Nbr Missing If a 42 record is transmitted, an invoice number, pos 18-34, is required in addition to the supplier ID. If no invoice number is reported, this error will result.
449 Invoice Number Ineligible The invoice number element of the 42 record, pos 18-34, cannot contain a space or other non-alphanumeric character. If spaces or non-numerics are included in this field, this error will result.
450 Foreign Exporter Unknown The foreign exporter is reported in the 47 record, using code "E" in pos 3. If the exporter MID is not on file in the CBP MID database, this error will result.
451 Supplier ID Code Missing The invoice detail record (42) must include a supplier ID code (MID) in pos 3-17. If that code is omitted, this error will result.
455 Invoice Line Range(s) Missing Electronic invoice data transmitted in the 42 record must have at least one line number range, starting in pos 36-39 fro the beginning line number and ending in pos 41-44 for the ending line number. If this range is omitted, this error will result.
456 Invoice Line Range Contains Non-Numerics An invoice line requires at least one beginning range number (42 record, pos 36-39) and an ending range number (pos 41-44). If the beginning range is supplied, but the ending range is not transmitted, this error will result.
457 Invoice Line Nbr Cannot Be Zero The invoice beginning and ending line numbers are transmitted in the 42 record. This field represents the line numbers on an invoice that apply to the entry summary line. The invoice line number must begin with "1". If a zero is reported in an invoice line number field, this error will result.
458 Begin Ln Nbr Cannot be GT End for Range The beginning line number for an invoice (42 record, pos 36-39) cannot be a higher number than the ending line number in pos 41-44 (and so on for the other line ranges in the 42 record)
459 Line Range Overlap Found on Invoice The invoice number referenced on the 42 record cannot reflect the same invoice line number or range of line numbers on the same line (40 record) of the entry summary.
460 Ruling Type Code Missing If a 43 record is transmitted, a ruling type code is required in pos 3. If a code is omitted, this error will result.
461 Ruling Type Code Unknown The 43 record is used to transmit an administrative ruling. Three codes are available to indicate which type of ruling is being reported. The codes are listed in the ACE ABI CATAIR, page ESF-42. If a code other than C, P, or R is transmitted in pos 3 of the 43 record, this error will result.
464 Comm Desc Text Missing If a 44 record is included in the AE transaction, there must be text for the commercial description in pos 3-72.
468 Standard Visa Country Unknown The visa number is transmitted in the 51 record, pos 3-11. If pos 4-5 of the record does not contain a valid ISO country code, this error will result.
469 Standard Visa Seq Not Numeric In the 51 record, the visa number must have 6 numerics in pos 6-11.
470 Standard Visa Year Unknown In the 51 record, the visa year must represent a valid numeric year with 0-9 in pos 3. If any other character, or a blank, is transmitted, this error will result.
471 Lic/Cert/Perm Type Code Missing The type of license, certificate or permit transmitted in the 52 is sent in pos 3-4. This is a mandatory field in the 52 record and its omission will cause this reject.
472 Lic/Cert/Perm Type Code Unknown License/certificate/permits are transmitted in the 52 record. Each such item must be described by a valid type code in pos 3-4 of this record. The acceptable codes are listed in the ACE ABI CATAIR record layout for the 52 record. The inclusion of a type code other than one listed in the current version of the CATAIR will cause this rejection message.
473 Duplicate Line/Cert/Perm Type Code If more than 52 record reports the same license or permit code for the same line, this error will result. As of Feb 2013, ACE does not permit more than 1 52 record per entry line, so this error will not be in production until a future date.
474 Lic/Cert/Perm Number Missing The license, certificate or permit number is transmitted in the 52 in pos 5-14. If a license, certificate or permit type code is present in pos 3-4 of this record, the actual license, certificate, or permit number must be included or this error will result.
475 Non-Reimburse Stmnt Must Be Space or Y The AD/CVD non-reimbursement statement is optional for the filer. If used, only a "Y" is allowed in pos 60 of the 40 record. Any other character will cause this reject.
477 IR Tax Contains Non-Numerics If the IR tax submitted in the 60 record, pos 6-15, contains non-numeric characters or blanks, this error will result.
480 HMF Not Allowed - Set Component HMF cannot be reported on the 'V' lines for a set. Only the 'X' lines can reflect HMF.
481 HMF Not Allowed For Entry Type HMF cannot be reported on an informal entry (type 11), an FTZ entry (06) or warehouse withdrawal entries type 31, 32, 34, and 38.
482 HMF Not Allowed for MOT HMF cannot be reported on an entry that reports MOT other than 10, 11 or 12.
483 Mfgr Code Missing-Req'd for Entry Type An MID is required for entry type 01 AE transactions. If there is no 47 record with code "m" and an MID included in the entry summary input, this error will result.
484 Census Warning Cond Cd Unknown Census warning condition codes (see Table 10 of the ACE CATAIR) are transmitted in the CW02 record. If the code transmitted in pos 10-12 is not listed in Table 10, this error will result.
485 Census Warning Cond not found for ovrd The CW record Census warning code is transmitted in the CW02 record, starting in pos 10-12. If this code, or any other code transmitted in the CW02 record, is not one that has occurred during processing of the ACE entry summary, this error will result.
486 Census Warning Cond Ovrd Cd Unknown The Census warning override code is transmitted in the CW02 record, pos 13-14. If a warning condition is reported in pos 10-12, a warning override code is required in pos 13-14. If no code, or a code not found in table 10, is transmitted in this record, this error will result.
487 Census Ovrd Cd Not Allowed for Condition Each Census warning code (27 series) can be overriden with a specific override code, listed in Table 11 of the ACE CATAIR. For a given Census warning only the permitted codes will be accepted in the CW02 record. If a code is transmitted that does apply to the Census warning message, this error will result.
488 Duplicate Census Warning CD Encountered Within the same CW02 record, a Census Warning code cannot be repeated.
505 Consignee Missing - Req'd for Type A 47 record with an article-party-type-code of C and an appropriate consignee identification number is required for most entry types (certain informal entries may use all zeros for the consignee).
507 AD/CVD Case Not Allowed - Set Header If an entry line is a set header line ("x" in pos 8 of the 40 record) and the line reports an AD/CVD case in the 53 record, this error will result. The case must be reported on the entry line with a "v" in pos 8.
509 AD/CVD Case Not Allowed For Article Any line on a summary that invokes tariff 98020040 or 98020050 cannot be subject to AD/CVD reporting. If case data is provided in the 53 record for such a line, this error will result.
511 Bond/Cash Claim Must Be B or C In the 53 record, pos 13, the filer indicates whether the reported AD/CVD case is covered by a cash deposit or may be bonded. The only acceptable codes for this reporting are B or C. Any other character transmitted in pos 13 will generate this error.
518 Duplicate Line Identifier Encountered AE summaries indicate different tariff lines by the line counter in the 40 record, pos 5-7. If a previously reported line number is used on a subsequent line, this error will result.
519 Article Party Type Unknown The article party is transmitted in the 47 record. Only four article party type codes are permitted: M (manufacturer), S (sold-to), C (delivered-to) and E (exporter). Any other party type code will be rejected.
520 Duplicate Party Type Encountered If the same consignee number is reported in more than one 47 record per entry summary line, this error will result.
521 Article Party Identifier Missing If a 47 record includes an Article Party Type code in pos 3, an identifier for the party type code is required in pos 4-18. If that field is left blank, this error will result.
522 Ult Consignee Nbr Not Allowed W/O Hdr If the 11 record consignee field (pos 15-26) is blank, one or more 47 records with article party type code "C" is not permitted.
523 Mfg Code Unknown The MID transmitted on the 47 record is not found in the ACE MID database.
526 Addtnl Declaration Type Code Unknown The 54 record is used to report additional declarations to ACE. The only type code permitted as of May 2009 is '01' for Canadian Softwood Lumber imports. If any type code other than '01' is transmitted in the 54 record, pos 3-4, this error will result.
527 Softwood Declaration Must Be Y or N The softwood lumber declaration indictor is transmitted in position 5 of the 54 record. The only two acceptable indicators are "Y" or "N". Any other indicator, including a space in pos 5, will generate this error.
528 Softwood Price Contains Non-numerics If the filer reports softwood lumber information in the 54 record, a dollar value is required in pos 6-15 for the 'softwood lumber export price' field. If the field is blank, this error will result.
529 Softwood Charges Contains Non-numerics If softwood lumber charges are reported in the 54 record, pos 16-25, only numeric characters are permitted.
531 IR Tax Acct Class Code Missing The class code for reporting IR tax amounts must be reported in the 60 record, in pos 3-5. If the class code is not transmitted, this error will result.
533 IR Tax Acct Class Code Not Allowed The IR tax accounting class codes are based on the code attached to the tariff number. The codes are transmitted in the 60 record, pos 3-5. If the submitted code is not listed on the tariff number database record, this error will result.
535 Mfgr Code Prefix Must Be Canadian Prov If the country of origin is Canada, the MID must start with one of the valid province codes. Any other code will cause this reject.
536 Case Deposit Rate Contains Non-Numerics The case deposit rate is transmitted in the 53 record, pos 14-21. Only numeric characters can be transmitted for this field.
537 AD/CVD Value Contains Non-Numerics The AD/CVD value field in the 53 record, pos 25-34, can only contain numeric characters.
538 AD/CVD Qty Contains Non-Numerics The AD/CVD quantity field in the 53 record, pos 35-46, can only contain numeric characters.
539 AD/CVD Duty Contains Non-Numerics The AD/CVD duty field in the 53 record, pos 47-56, can only contain numeric characters.
540 Rate Qualifier Must Be A or S In the 53 record, pos 22, the filer indicates whether the reported AD/CVD case duty rate is ad valorem or specific. The only acceptable codes for the case status are reporting are A or S. Any other character transmitted in pos 22 will generate this error.
541 AD/CVD Qty Not Allowed for Ad Valorem If the case reported by the filer has only an ad valorem AD/CVD duty rate, the filer may not transmit an AD/CVD quantity in the 53 record, pos 35-46.
542 AD/CVD Value Not Allowed for Specific The 53 record, pos 25-34, is used to report a value that will be used to compute AD/CVD duties instead of the line item value reported in the 50 record, pos 25-34. If the filer reports the case as having a specific rate of duty (indicator "S" in pos 22 of the 53 record), the AD/CVD value field must be blank.
543 Case Number Missing The 53 record must have a 10 character case number reported in pos 3-12
544 Case Nbr Must Begin with A or C In the 53 record, pos 3 is the beginning of the AD/CVD case number. Cases must begin with A or C. Any other character transmitted in pos 3 will generate this error.
545 Duplicate Case Type Encountered If two AD or two CVD case numbers are reported for the same Customs line on an ACE entry summary, this error will be generated.
546 Case Unknown The AD or CVD case number reported in the 53 record does not exist on the AD/CVD database.
547 Case Not Applicable for C/O The case number reported in the 53 record, pos 3-12, is for a country which does not match the country of origin reported in the 40 record, pos 9-10.
549 Case Mfgr Mis-Match If the AD/CVD case reported in the 53 record has an MID for the manufacturer listed on the case reference data, and the filer's 47 record with code "M" reflects a different MID from the case MID, this error will result.
550 Case Exporter Mis-Match If the AD/CVD case reported in the 53 record has an MID for the exporter listed on the case reference data, and the filer's 47 record with code "E" reflects a different MID from the case MID, this error will result.
551 Case Found for Specific Mfgr Use This is an informational message; not fatal. If the 47 record, code "M" reports an MID that equals an MID for the manufacturer on any specific AD/CVD case and the filer transmits an AD/CVD case number that is NOT company specific (ending in 000), this informational message will result. This edit applies only if there is no exporter ID code on file for a company specific case.
552 Case Found for Specific Exporter Use This is an informational message; not fatal. If the 47 record, code "E" reports an exporter ID code that equals an exporter ID code for the exporter on any specific AD/CVD case and the filer transmits an AD/CVD case number that is NOT company specific (ending in 000), this informational message will result. This edit applies only if there is no manufacturer MID on file for a company specific case.
553 Case Found for Specific Mfgr/Exptr Use This is an informational message; not fatal. If the 47 records with code "M" and code "E" report an MID that equals an MID for the manufacturer and exporter on any specific AD/CVD case and the filer transmits an AD/CVD case number that is NOT company specific (ending in 000), this informational message will result.
554 Non-Reimb Declartn Unknown A declaration that a non-reimbursement statement exists for a case is reported via the 53 record, pos 57-66. The number reported in this field must correspond exactly to a previously assigned identifier, issued by CBP, after a non-reimbursement declaration has been made for the case on the Importer's Account. If the exact identifier does not exist on the Importer Account detail record, this error will result.
555 Non-Reimb Declartn Not Yet Effective The non-reimbursement statement number, 53 record pos 57-66, has a begin date (effective date) that is prior to the case action date of the case being reported. In such a case, the non-reimb declaration cannot be reported.
556 Non-Reimb Declartn Expired The non-reimbursement statement number, 53 record pos 57-66, has expired. These numbers can be viewed on the 'declarations' link in the importer's account record in the Portal.
557 Non-Reimb Declartn Does Not Cover Case If the non-reimbursement statement declaration number is for a declaration that does not pertain to the case reported, this error will result.
558 Case Cannot Be Used - Company Excluded If the case in the 53 has a final exclusion status on file, the case cannot be reported in an AE.
559 Case Cannot Be Used - Revoked A revoked AD or CVD case cannot be reported in an ACE Entry Summary.
560 Case Cannot Be Used - Deactivated If the case in the 53 record has a 'deactivated' status on file, the case cannot be reported.
561 Case Cannot Be Used- In Initial Stage AD/CVD cases that are in the status of "initiated" cannot be reported in an ACE Entry Summary. This error will be generated if such a case is reported. Note: if the case number transmitted does not start with an A or C, this error may also result from the incorrect case number.
562 Case Cannot Be Used - Terminated If the case in the 53 has a 'terminated' status on file, the case cannot be reported in an AE.
563 Case Cannot Be Used - Not Suspending If the case being reported in the 53 record has a 'stop liq susp' date on file and the entry date for the ACE summary is after the stop-liq-susp date, the case is not reportable.
564 Related Case May Be Missing This is an informational message; not fatal. The the case reported in the 53 record may have a related case that was not reported in a second 53 record.
566 Case Cannot Be Used - No B/C Desgntn Case data on the ACE AD/CVD database must show a bond or cash status of B or C in order to be reportable on an AD/CVD entry via ACE. If the case does not show either B or C, it cannot be reported.
567 Case Requires Cash - Bond Not Allowed The cash/bond indicated transmitted in the 53 record, pos 13, is a "B", but the case record on file indicates that cash is required.
568 Case Cannot Be Used - No Rates Estbl For the case reported in the 53 record, there are no rates on file in the case reference database or the effective date of the rates is after the case action date.
569 Zero-Rate Case; Rate Not Allowed If the ad valorem rate for an AD/CVD case is zero, a case rate is not permitted to be reported in the 53 record, pos 14-21
570 Zero-Rate Case; Duty Not Allowed If the ad valorem rate for an AD/CVD case is zero, an AD/CVD duty amount is not permitted to be reported in the 53 record, pos 47-56.
571 Zero-Rate Case; Qty Not Allowed If the ad valorem rate for an AD/CVD case is zero, a quantity is not permitted to be reported in the 53 record, pos 35-46.
573 Ad Valorem Rate Not Found For Case The case rate is transmitted in the 53 record, pos 14-21. If the transmitted rate is an ad valorem rate (indicator "A" in pos 22 of the 53 record), but is not listed as a valid rate on the case rate link for the reported case, this error will result.
575 AD/CVD Qty Missing - Rqrd for Specific If the case rate indicator in the 53 record is "S", an AD/CVD quantity is required in the 53 record.
576 Estimate Duty/Calc'd Duty Mismatch The transmitted amount of AD or CVD duty does not agree with the calculated amount for the same element. The duty must agree to the penny, including rounding requirements.
579 Sold to Party Void The sold-to party reported in the 47 record (code S) is shown as 'void' on the importer file .
580 Line PSC Reasons Not Allowed If a conventional ACE entry summary is transmitted with 63 record(s) to report PSC line change reason codes, this error will occur.
582 Line PSC Code Unknown A PSC has been filed with line changes, but the code transmitted in the 63 record is not found listed in Table 15 of the Entry Summary Create/Update chapter of the ACE CATAIR.
583 Line PSC Code Duplicate Encountered A PSC cannot report the same line reason code more than once for a given line on the entry.
588 Delivered to Party Unknown The identifying number for the entity listed as the 'delivered to' party on the 47 (party identifier is C) record is not found on the importer database.
589 Delivered to Party Void The delivered-to party reported in the 47 record (code C) is shown as 'void' on the importer file.
600 MOT Requires HMF The entry reflects MOT 12 and there is no HMF reported.
601 Estimated HMF/Calc'd HMF Mismatch The transmitted HMF is not correctly calculated for the line.
602 HMF Not Allowed - De Minimus If the entered value for the entry is such that the calculated HMF is $3 or less, and no other duties, taxes or fees are estimated for the entry, but filer has transmitted HMF for any line or lines on the entry, this error will result. (even if the transmitted HMF is correct for any line or lines).
603 CO Not Allowed for HTS The country of origin does not agree with the tariff number restrictions on eligible country (s) of origin for that tariff number.
605 SP Code Cannot Be Used - Not in Effect The special program indicator code cannot be used as it is not yet in effect.
606 SP Code Cannot Be Used - Expired The special program indicator code cannot be used because it has an expiration date that is equal to or earlier than the duty computation date in the AE input.
607 Unknown CO Not Allowed for SP Claim If a special program code is listed in pos 25-26 of the 40 record, but the country of origin in pos 9-10 is unknown or blank, this error will result.
608 CO Not Allowed for SP Claim If a special program code is listed in pos 25-26 of the 40 record, but the country of origin in pos 9-10 is not eligible for that trade agreement, this error will result.
609 Single HTS Not Allowed; Second HTS Reqd The tariff number reported in the first 50 record requires at least one additional tariff number to be reported in a second (or more) 50 record.
610 HTS Does Not Allow an SP Claim If an SP indicator is transmitted in the 40 record and the tariff number reported in the 50 record is a number that is ineligible for any special program claim, this error will result.
611 HTS Requires $0 Value of Goods Per CSMS messages 01-0388, 01-0390, 04-0859, and 06-0315, selected chapter 98 or 99 tariff numbers must show a zero value in the 50 record. The value must be reported with the non-98 or 99 tariff number.
612 CE Not Allowed for SP Claim If the claimed special program (pos 25-26 of the 40 record) is not allowed for the reported country of export, this error will result. Related to error code 608.
613 HTS Relationship/Sequence Mismatch Selected tariff numbers that have additional tariff numbers required must be reported in the correct sequence. Most chapter 98 or 99 tariff numbers must precede the related chap 1-97 tariff numbers. For watches, the tariff reporting the movement is usually reported before the other components, etc.
614 HTS Not Eligible for SP Claim The reported tariff number is not eligible for the special program code reported in the 40 record.
615 CE Not Allowed for HTS The country of export does not agree with the tariff number restrictions on eligible country (s) of export for that tariff number.
616 Article Not Eligible for SP Claim If two (or more) tariff numbers are reported on the line and the special program code transmitted in pos 25-26 of the 40 record is not eligible for any of the tariff numbers, this error will result.
617 CO Not Allowed for GSP Claim/HTS If the claimed special program (pos 25-26 of the 40 record) is 'A' (GSP), and the submitted CO is a GSP country, but the tariff number tariff is marked as 'A*' and specifically excludes the country, this error will result.
618 CO/CE GSP Mismatch If the claimed special program (pos 25-26 of the 40 record) is 'A' (GSP), and If the country of origin and country of export are not the same, and not a member of the same 'sub group', this error will result.
619 HTS Does Not Allow a GSP Claim If an SP indicator is transmitted in the 40 record is 'A' and the tariff number reported in the 50 record is in chapter '9802', this error will result.
620 HTS Not Allowed for Article Classification If the two tariff numbers reported on an entry line do not conform to special pairing rules, this error will result.
635 Infrml MPF Not Allowed-Summary Exempt If an informal class code '311' fee has been submitted for an informal summary but the summary is MPF exempt, this error will result.
636 Infrml MPF Required-Summary Not Exempt If an informal class code '311' fee has not been submitted for an informal summary but the summary is not MPF exempt, this error will result.
637 Infrml MPF Not Allowed-Formal Summary If an informal class code '311' fee has been submitted for the summary but the Entry Type is a formal type (e.g., '01'), this error will result.
638 Infrml MPF Fixed Amount Incorrect If an informal class code '311' fee has been submitted for a non-exempt informal summary but the amount is not the fixed amount, this error will result. (Note amount exceptions for consolidating summaries and fixed transport shipments.)
700 Entry Summary Totals Missing If no 89 or 90 records are included in the AE input, this error will result.
702 Mult C/E Not Allowed for Consol Summ If the AE input is a consolidated entry summary, each line of the entry must have the same country of export. If different c/e's are reported, this error will result.
703 Mult C/O Not Allowed for Consol Summ If the AE input is a consolidated entry summary, each line of the entry must have the same country of origin. (or same Canadian province code). If different c/o's are reported, this error will result.
712 Fee Total Detail Not Allowed If an 89 record is reported, there must be at least one 34 or 62 record for the reported fee. This error will also result if the 89 record transmits zeroes for the fee class code and no 34 or 62 record is transmitted
714 Total Fee Amount Contains Non-Numerics The 89 record, pos 6-16, must show a numeric value for the total fee amount by class code. If this field is blank or has other non-numeric characters, this error will result.
715 Fee Tot Missing for Hdr Fee If a fee is reported at the header level for the AE input (informal entry fee, for example), a 89 record for the fee is required. If the 89 record is omitted, this error will result.
716 Fee Tot Missing for Line Fee An AE input with fees reported on the 62 record requires an 89 record to summarize the various fee categories and amounts. If that record is not transmitted, this error will result.
717 Fee Tot Not Found on Hdr/Line Fee There is an 89 record a reported amount for a fee class code that differs from the line level amount for the same class code. This error will also result if the 89 record reports zero for the fee class code amount and the there is no 34 or 62 record transmitted for the same class code.
718 IR Tax Not Allwd on On Mnthly Perdc Stmt Entries that report cargo subject to IRS excise taxes cannot be included on a periodic monthly statement as of Apr 2009
719 Total HMF Fee Not = Sum of Line Est Fee Fee totals are transmitted in the 89 record, by class code. If the total amount of the HMF in the 89 record is not equal to the 62 record totals for HMF, this error will result.
720 Tot Oth Fee Not = Sum of Est Oth Fee Fee totals are transmitted in the 89 record, by class code. If the total amount of the fee in the 89 record for a given class code is not equal to the 62 record totals for the same class code, this error will result.
721 Grand Total Duty Contains Non-numerics The 90 record field for total duty totals, pos 3-13, must contain at least one numeric character. If all spaces are sent in this field, this error will result. [as of July 2009, the edit is not working properly]
722 Grand Total Duty Not = Sum of Est Duty The duty amounts reported in the 50 record(s), pos 14-23, must agree with the grand total duty amount reported in the 90 record, pos 3-13. If there is a discrepancy of any amount, this error will result.
723 Grand IR Tax Totals Contains Non-numerics The 90 record field for total IR tax, pos 27-37, must contain at least one numeric character. If all spaces are sent in this field, this error will result. [as of July 2009, the edit is not working properly]
724 Grand Tot IR Tax Not = Sum of Est IR Tax The amount of IR tax transmitted in the 60 record, pos 6-15 must agree to the penny with the total IR tax transmitted in the 90 record, pos 27-37. If the figures do not match, this error will result.
725 Grand Total Fee Contains Non-numerics The 90 record field for total fees, pos 15-25, must contain at least one numeric character. If all spaces are sent in this field, this error will result. [as of July 2009, the edit is not working properly]
726 Grand Total Fee Not = Sum of Est Fee The total fee reported in the 89 record does not agree with the totals from the various 34 or 62 records. If the 89 record amount equals the sum of the 34 or 62 records, however, check to see that the same total appears in the 90 record, pos 15-25.
728 Grand ADD Duty Tot Contains Non-numerics The 90 record field for total ADD duty, pos 39-49, must contain at least one numeric character. If all spaces are sent in this field, this error will result. [as of July 2009, the edit is not working properly]
729 Grand CVD Duty Tot Contains Non-numerics The 90 record field for total CVD duty, pos 51-61, must contain at least one numeric character. If all spaces are sent in this field, this error will result. [as of July 2009, the edit is not working properly]
730 Tot Mail Fee Not = Hdr Mail Fee If the mail fee is transmitted in the 34 record, the same dollar amount must be transmitted in the 89 record.
731 Tot Informal Fee Not = Hdr Informal Fee The total of the informal entry fee in the 34 record is not the same amount as reported in the 89 record for class code 311.
732 Tot MPF Surchrge Not = Hdr MPF Surchrge If class code 500 is sent in the 34 record (MPF surcharge for filers not operational for cargo selectivity), the same amount must be sent in the 89 record.
736 Tot Bonded AD Duty Contains Non-Numerics The 88 record, pos 3-13, must contain only numeric characters to report bonded AD duty amounts
737 Total Bonded AD Not=Sum of Case Est The total amount of AD duties reported in the various 53 records, pos 47-56, does not equal the total amount of bonded AD duties reported in the 88 record, pos 3-13. They must agree to the penny.
738 Tot Cash AD Duty Contains Non-Numerics The 88 record, pos 15-25, must contain only numeric characters to report payable AD duty amounts.
739 Total Cash AD Not = Sum of Case Est The 88 record, pos 15-25, reports the total amount of payable (cash)AD duties from the sum of the 53 records. If these two amounts do not agree to the penny, this error will result.
740 Tot Bonded CV Duty Contains Non-Numerics The 88 record, pos 27-37, must contain only numeric characters to report payable CV duty amounts.
741 Total Bonded CV Not=Sum of Case Est The total amount of CV duties reported in the various 53 records, pos 47-56, does not equal the total amount of bonded CV duties reported in the 88 record, pos 27-37.
742 Tot Cash CV Duty Contains Non-Numerics The 88 record, pos 39-49, must contain only numeric characters to report payable CV duty amounts.
743 Total Cash CV Not = Sum of Case Est The amount of total payable CV duty reported in all of the transmitted 53 records does not equal the total amount reported in the payable CV duty field in the 88 record (pos 39-49).
744 Grand Tot AD Duty Not Allowed If the transmitted entry type is not one that encompasses AD/CVD reporting, the 90 record, pos 38-49, must be all zeros. If an amount other than zero is reported for such an entry type, this error will result.
745 Grand Total AD Not = Sum of Est AD The total of all AD duties, from the payable and bondable amounts reported in the 88 record, is reported in the 90 record, pos 39-49. If these two records do not match, this error will result
746 Grand Tot CV Duty Not Allowed If the transmitted entry type is not one that encompasses AD/CVD reporting, the 90 record, pos 51-61, must be all zeros. If an amount other than zero is reported for such an entry type, this error will result.
747 Grand Total CV Not = Sum of Est CV The total of all CVD duties, from the payable and bondable amounts reported in the 88 record, is reported in the 90 record, pos 51-61. If these two records do not match, this error will result
748 PSC Reason Code Missing A PSC filing must contain at least one reason code. The code may be at the header (35 record) or line (63 record) level.
A00 Entry Summary Hdr Control Missing There is no 10 record in the B-Y block for the AE input transaction.
A01 CW Query Request Missing In the CJ input transaction, Census Warning Query, if the input record is not CJ1, this error will be generated.
A02 Unknown Record ID Found in Grouping If data for a record is transmitted without the record ID (e.g., mpf fees without a '62' at the beginning of the input line), this error will result. If a input record that is not a current record for the AE input is transmitted, this error will also occur.
A03 Record: xxxx Starting Position: nn This record will follow another record to identify the exact position where a syntax error has been found. For example - in a situation where a looping error has occurred, the A03 informational message will identify which input record has the looping error and the A03 will also identify the starting position (usually 01) in the record that caused the looping error.
A04 Out of Sequence Record Found in Grouping If input data records are received by CBP that do not conform to the 'structure map' documented in the CATAIR chapter, this error will result.
A04 Out of Sequence Record Found in Grouping In a Census Warning Query, if an entry(s) is being queried, the first available field for the entry number cannot be blank. If it is and there is an entry number in the 2nd or succeeding entry number fields, this error will result.
A06 Loop Exceeded-BOL/In-Bond Details The BOL/in-bond grouping consists of a 23 record. If this looping configuration is exceeded (more than 4 records), this error will result.
A17 Loop Exceeded-Lic/Certif/Permit Details The 52 record is used to report license information on an AE line. Only one 52 record per line is permitted. If more than 52 record is transmitted, this error will result.
A22 Non-contiguous item found in grouping This error will result if the fields in a record with multiple 'side-by-side' repeating data elements are not left justified (i.e., a 'gap' found). This condition can be generated for several input records: e.g., release detail (32-record), entry summary header fee (34-record), quantity/UOM pairs (50-recrod), etc.

Further 50-record example: if two quantities to report, they must occupy the first two quantity fields. If field one is used, and the 2nd quantity is reported in field 3, this is the error that will result. The AX output message will identify the record with the error.
A23 Loop Exceeded- Article Parties If the current version of AE permits a finite number of records (in this case, the number of parties that can be included in the 47 record in version A2.2), and more than the allowed number of such records are transmitted, this error will result.
A24 Loop Exceeded This error can apply to any input record that is repeatable. If the maximum number of identical records is exceeded (check the ACE ABI CATAIR for each record's allowable maximum number of iterations), this error will result.
B01 Action Request Code Missing The action (add, replace or delete) code is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 3. If the code field is blank, this error will result.
B02 Action Request Code Unknown The 10 record, pos 3, requires one of three action codes "A", "R", or "D". If any other code is transmitted, this error will result.
B03 District/Port of Entry Missing The DDPP is required to be transmitted in every AE transaction. It is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 18-21. If this element is missing, this error will result.
B04 District/Port of Entry Unknown The district port of entry is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 18-21. The field cannot be left blank and must use a valid CBP entry port code. If either of these conditions is not met, this error will result.
B06 Entry Filer Unknown The entry filer code, transmitted in the 10 record, pos 4-6, must be active in ABI as a permitted ABI filer and must be established in ACE as a permitted filer. If these conditions are not met, this error will result.
B10 Entry Dist Not = Processing Dist The entry port in the 10 record, pos 18-21 must equal the processing port in the B record, pos 4-7.
B12 Entry Flr Not = RLF Preparer Flr The filer code in the 10 record, pos 3-6, is not the same filer as is preparing the RLF entry (B record, pos 51-53).
B13 Remote Filing Location Unknown If the preparer of the RLF entry (B record, pos 47-53) does not have an ABJ record for RLF-filed entries in the port of entry (10 record, pos 18-21), this error will result.
B14 Entry Number Missing The entry number is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 9-16. An AE input without an entry number will receive this reject message.
B16 Entry Number Check Digit Mismatch The entry number has the wrong check digit for the check digit factor currently assigned to the filer.
B17 Entry Type Code Missing The entry type code is required to be transmitted in every AE transaction. It is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 34-35. If this element is missing, this error will result.
B24 Extraneous Data Not Allowed - Delete The filer has sent a complete AE input transaction for a delete action code in the 10 record. If a delete of an AE entry summary is being requested, only the elements listed as Mandatory for all 10 record actions can be transmitted.
B25 Entry Summary Not Found for Delete There is no pre-existing accepted entry summary to be deleted by the submitted AE transaction.
B26 Entry Summary Held By CBP An ACE entry number that has a liquidation holding code cannot be deleted by an ACE AE delete transaction.
B31 Entry Summary Has Been Cancelled The AE transaction is for an entry number that in 'cancelled' status in the ACE entry summary database.
B32 Entry Summary Filed in Another Port The entry number in question is already on file in a different port of entry from the one listed in the 10 record, pos 18-21
B34 Broker Reference Number Missing If the filer's ABE profile is set to "B" in the sequence field, a broker's reference number is required in the 10 record, pos 22-30, on an initial "A" or "R" entry summary input transaction.
B35 Re-add Requires Broker Ref Nbr to Match In order to use the 'add' action code in the 10 record, pos 3, the instant transaction must contain the identical broker reference number as was transmitted in the original AE for the entry.
B39 Electronic Signature Missing All "A" or "R" AE transactions require an electronic signature ('X') in pos 39 of the 10 record. If that signature indicator is omitted, this error will result.
B40 Electronic Signature Must Be X All ACE summaries require a signature which is transmitted in the 10 record, pos 39. The only acceptable indicator is an "X".
B41 PSC Ind Unknown Only a "Y" or space may be reported as the PSC indicator.
B42 Entry Summary Not Found for PSC A PSC cannot be filed against an entry summary that does not exist in ACE.
B43 PSC Delete Not Allowed A PSC with action code D (delete) is not permitted.
B44 PSC Not Allowed - Entry D/P Mismatch A PSC must use the port of entry that was used when the conventional entry summary was filed.
B45 PSC Not Allowed-ES Not Under CBP Control
A PSC is not allowed for an entry that is still in trade control (not yet on a statement or otherwise not yet accepted by CBP).
B46 PSC Not Allowed - ES Not Curr Accepted A PSC is not permitted to be transmitted on an conventional (or PSC) ACE entry summary which is in rejected status, awaiting a correcting AE transmission from the filer.
B47 PSC Not Allowed - ES Not Yet Paid A PSC cannot be filed until the conventional entry summary has been accepted and paid. This means that, for PMS entries, the collection of the monthly PMS statement must have occurred prior to transmission of the PSC entry.
B48 PSC Not Allowed - Too Far Beyond Ent Date A PSC cannot be filed if the entry date is more than 269 days in the past as compared to the transmission date of the PSC. This applies to the initial PSC or any subsequent PSC submission.
B50 PSC Not Allowed - ES Liquidated A PSC cannot be filed against an entry that has already been liquidated (liquidation date is the same as, or earlier than, the date of PSC transmission).
B51 PSC Not Allowed - Too Close To Liq Date A PSC cannot be filed if the liquidation date of the conventional (or existing PSC) entry summary is 20 days or fewer in the future.
B52 PSC Not Allowed - Summary Reconciled A PSC is not permitted for a conventional entry summary that has been accepted with either a FTA or non-FTA reconciliation issue.
B53 Entry Flr Not = Processing Flr If the AE is not an RLF PSC entry or a regular PSC entry, the filer code in the B record, pos 8-10 must equal the entry filer code in the 10 record, pos 4-6. (A PSC is allowed to be filed by a filer that is not the original filer; the new PSC filer takes 'ownership' of the summary at the point of acceptance.)
B54 Action Not Allowed - PSC On File A conventional ACE entry summary transaction (AE) is not permitted if the entry number has had a successful PSC filed against it.
B56 PSC Not Allowed - ES Cancelled A PSC cannot be filed on a cancelled entry summary.
C02 Entry Summary Not Found If a Census Override transaction is submitted for an entry number that does not exist in ACE, this error will result. (Check to see if the entry was filed in ACS)
C03 Override Not Permitted for Entry Number If the filer of the Census Override is not the same filer as the entry filer listed in the CW01 record, this error will result.
C04 Entry Not in Accepted Status An entry summary with a Census warning must be in Customs Accepted status before the filer can submit a Census Override transaction (CW). If the entry has been rejected by CBP, the reject must be removed to return the entry to accepted status.
C05 Entry Summary Line Does Not Exist This error message is generated in reply to a Census Warning Override input. The CW02 record, pos 7-9, is used to specify which line of the AE contains the Census Warning that is being overridden. The line number must be three numerics in length. If fewer than three numerics are transmitted for the line number, this error will result.
X01 Batch Control Record Missing - A record Self-explanatory
X02 Response Cannot Be Delivered Due to other errors in the ABYZ records, the reply to the trade partner cannot be sent. (as of Jan 2013)
X03 Block Control Record Missing - B record Self-explanatory
X04 Transaction Detail Missing There are no detail records in the B-Y block.
X05 Block Control Record Missing - Y record Self-explanatory
X06 Batch Control Record Missing - Z record Self-explanatory
X07 Sender/Receiver Site Code Missing The A or Z record is missing the DDPP of the sender in pos 2-5
X08 Sender/Receiver ID Code Missing The A or Z record is missing the ID code in pos 6-8 for the transmitter of the data.
X09 Sender/Receiver Not Authorized There is no ABE record on file for the DDPP/Flr/Off code found in the A record.
X10 Transmission Date Unknown The date of transmission, in MMDDYY format, must be included in the A record, pos 15-20. If a different format is used, this error will result.
X11 Application ID Code Missing The application ID is not found in the A record, pos 26-27.
X12 Not a Known ACE Application ID Code The application ID code is not recognized by ACE.
X13 Application Currently Not Available If the application ID in the A record is not enabled in the ACE database, this error will result.
X14 Z-Rec Does Not Match A-Rec The data elements "Sender/Receiver Site Code", "Sender/Receiver ID Code", "Transmission Date", and "Sender/Receiver Office Code" must be identical in both the A and Z records.
X15 Processing Port Code Missing The B record does not contain a valid port code for the filer's transaction.
X16 Filer Code Missing The B record does not contain a filer code in pos 8-10.
X18 Proc Port/Flr Not Authrzd for Sendr/Rcvr The A record port code in the AE is not listed as an active dp-site for the port code transmitted in the B record for the filer.
X19 Block App ID/Batch App ID Conflict The application ID in the A record, pos 26-27, does not agree with the code in the B record, pos 11-12.
X20 Filer Not Authorized for Application ID The filer's ABE record has not been updated to permit them to send ACE Entry summaries. This error was also generated when no ABE record existed for the B record port for the filer.
X21 Remotely Filed Ind Unknown Pos 56 of the B record permits only a "1" or "2" to reflect remotely filed entries. Any other character will generate this message (as of Jan 2013).
X22 Remote Preparer/Remote Ind Conflict The B record contains remote preparer information in pos 47-53, but the ABE profile for the preparer is not operational for RLF.
X23 Remote Filing Not Allowed For Applctn ID Remote preparer information in the B record, pos 47-53, was transmitted for an application that is not eligible for RLF processing…in this case, a TI.
X24 Remote Preparer Port Code Missing The DDPP of the remote preparer is blank in the B record, pos 47-50
X25 Remote Preparer Filer Code Missing The filer code of the remote preparer is blank in the B record, pos 51-53.
X26 Remote and Prssing Filer Not the Same The filer code of the remote preparer in the B record, pos 51-53, is not equal to the filer code of the processing filer in the B record, pos 8-10.
X27 Bkr Does Not Hold National Permit If the filer code in the B record preparer filer field, pos 51-53, does not have an active national permit on the broker's account record, this error will result.
X28 Remote Preparer Unknown There is no ABE record for the DDPP/Flr code shown in pos 47-53 of the B record.
X29 Remote Preparer Not Authorized The ABE record for the DDPP/Flr code in the B record (pos 47-53) is not set to operational status for RLF entries.
X30 Remove Prepare Not Authorzd for App ID The ABE record for the DDPP/Flr code in the B record (pos 47-53) is not set to operational status for ACE Entry Summaries.
X31 Remote Preparer Not Authrzd for Port The RLF port of entry in the B record, pos 4-7 has not been created for the preparer/filer in the B record, pos 47-53
X32 Y-Rec Does Not Match B-Rec The port code in the B record, pos 4-7, does not equal the port code in the Y record, pos 4-7.
X34 Unknown Record ID Found in Grouping If a filer transmits a record ID that is not listed in the ACE CATAIR for that application, this error will result. (i.e., a Q3 record in an AD/CVD query)
X35 Out of Sequence Record Found in Grouping In the current (May 2011) Entry Summary Query, the filer cannot include both a J1 and a J2 record.
X37 Missing Data Record Found in Grouping In the AD/CVD query, if the first case field in the Q1 record is left blank, this error will result. The ACE AD/CVD query chapter, Q1 record, note 1, states that the Q1 record must start with the first field, regardless of how many cases are being queried.
X38 Non-contiguous item found in grouping If an AD/CVD input record contains no data, this error will result.
X39 Data Found In Filler If the filer includes data in a 'space fill' field, this error will result
X40 Non-standard data found Any non-printable character found in any input record (from A through Z) will cause this reject.
X41 Multiple Queries in Batch Not Allowed An entry summary query in ACE (JC) can have only 1 B-Y query block per A-Z batch
X42 Last Record Less Than 80-Char Length The last record in the batch (Z record) has fewer than 80 characters.

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